Beggars can't be choosers.

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"Oh aye! Great idea this was, James!" Clare shot sarcastically.

"It wasn't my idea, Clare. It was Marco's. Also, we don't exactly have many other options, do we?" James calmly retorted.

They sat in a spot that was all too familiar to them, only this time it was just Clare and James sitting on the wooden seats just outside Sister Michael's office.

"I mean, I get the logic behind it, but there's no way Sister Michael will lend us one of the school minibuses. Ye know what she's like, she never forgets. Look at that whole malarkey we had with the school van. She was ab-so-lute-ly RAGING when she got the bill back from the recovery people." She stressed.

"OK. First of all, I didn't exactly plan for that flat tyre to happen. Did I? Second, you all reckoned it was because Michelle slagged off the devil. Third..... well, I can't think of a third one." James said.

Sister Michael opened her office door. "Clare, James, You may enter." She moaned as she walked back inside. Leaving the door open. James flashed his eyebrows at Clare as they rose from their seats.

"Ach, that's grand is that. She's already in a bad mood. Listen James. You best ask her, I don't think I can really be of any assistance here....." Clare admitted.

"Oh, thanks a lot." He said.

"I don't have all day you two!" Came an annoyed call from inside.

"Oh sweet Jesus! She's gonna question us why we need the minibus and ye know she's gonna suspect us of some kind of chicanery." Clare panicked.

"Clare. All we're gonna do is ask her. The worst thing she can say is No." James said, trying to calm her.

"Aye, and when she says no. No doubt Michelle will just blame us for not trying hard enough, and she's gonna be raging!" Clare squeaked as they walked inside the office. They then found themselves standing before Sister Michael.

"Mr Maguire, Miss Devlin. State your business quickly." The Nun ordered.

"So sorry to trouble ye Sister Michael. How's the morning finding you? Are ye well?"

"Would you like a detailed answer to each of those questions, or would one answer suit you best, Miss Devlin?" She asked.

"Well, it's entirely your choice, Sister." Clare answered.

"Oh Good. Then I choose not to give one. State your business." Sister Michael said.

"Well.... we were wondering if it's not too much of an inconvenience. We, that is James and me, along with the other girls, and Marco and Laurie, although not here in person are certainly here in spirit....."

"We're looking to go on a camping trip, Sister Michael. And we wondered if we could borrow one of the school minibuses?" James asked, getting to the point.

Sister Michael looked as if she was pondering what James had said, but after what felt like an eternity, she stared off. "Oh God......" She finally said, a look of annoyance suddenly came over her face.

"Uh.... Yes, during the summer holiday? seeing as there's a large number of us......" James continued.

"Stall the ball, James!" Clare noticed the look on Sister Michael.

"..... Sweet Suffering Jehovah!!!" Sister Michael stressed with anger. "I completely forgot!"

"Are ye alright, Sister Michael?" Clare asked, starting to feel panicky herself.

"Excuse me!" Sister Michael stood and marched out of her office leaving James and Clare alone.

They looked at each other, unsure of what just happened. As lunch time approached, James and Clare both agonized over having to tell the others how things had gone, or this case, how things hadn't gone. Michelle marched up to the table where they were sitting in the hall, followed by Erin and Orla.

Derry Girls: New Horizons, Part 1Where stories live. Discover now