What goes around, comes around

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It was June 1997; Danny "MadStab" O' Driscoll marched defiantly down the corridor towards the court. The young man, with his hands cuffed was lead back to hear his sentence. He had been ejected earlier that afternoon for protesting his guilty verdict, despite the overwhelming evidence against him. Now it was time to pass sentence. The Judge pondered his decision as he ordered that the Arsonist be brought back to face the packed court which included Sister Michael, Father Peter, Sister Josephine, Miss Mooney and Chief Constable Byers.

Sister Josephine sat and comforted Shannon O' Driscoll who sat a few seats away from her mother, Jeanette. The young nun had become a confidant for the young girl throughout the trial. Still attending Our Lady Immaculate College, the once brash, unhinged girl had changed since the events of Valentines day. Sister Josephine regarded the small monkey soft toy that she clutched. It had been a gift to her from none other than Orla McCool. Jeanette O'Driscoll was noticeably embarrassed as she sat in the court, seemingly more upset that she was seen in such a place, as opposed to feeling sympathy for anyone. It was due to the influence of her husband, Patrick that the young man had become entangled in his scheme of historical theft, deceit, and fraud to begin with.

The repercussions came swiftly, and most of the assets owned by the O'Driscoll family had been seized. Patrick was still remanded in custody pending a trial date. He had covered his tracks well over the years. It was only by the grace of God, or in this case, a Derry girl who accidently saved his ledger to a hard drive that the truth had been exposed. The extent of his crimes were still being investigated and there was still no clear indication to how far back it stretched. Chief Byers knew that the hard work had only just begun when it came to Patrick O'Driscoll.

The group of adults, comprising of School staff, Nuns, a Priest, and an RUC Policeman heard the arrogant young man argue, swear and protest as he ascended the stairs and re-entered the dock. He cursed the jury who had condemned him earlier. The Judge was unwavering as he stared Danny down. Sister Michael scowled at the disrespect shown by the young person who had become so bitter yet was still so young.

This was, in many ways, a tragic circumstance. Such was the fate of many young men who had been brought up to hate, lie and scheme while being taught that it was proper to do such things due to the oppression from the English. The decades of hatred taught down through the generations from various backgrounds, from religious to political. But In the eyes of the law, none of that mattered. There was no justification for committing a criminal offence. Crime was crime, and this was just another case of another person who broke the law, and had to face the consequences of his actions, plain and simple.

The Judge began;

"Daniel Jonathan O'Driscoll. You have been found guilty of the act of arson, where in which you intently attempted to endanger the lives of young people at Our Lady Immaculate College of Londonderry; And it is now my duty to pass sentence. Your arrogance shown in court today shows that you carry no remorse for your actions, even when confronted with the truth that your actions could have resulted in dire consequences for your own younger cousin. However, your solicitors have pointed out that despite the clear evidence against you. It is clear to me that your actions were somewhat influenced heavily by others. Therefore, I shall still act with as much impartially as I can regarding your punishment. You are therefore sentenced to 12 years imprisonment. Take the prisoner down."

Sister Michael breathed out angrily as the sentence was read out. Danny continued to defy the authorities by swearing towards both Chief Byers and Sister Michael as he was lead down.

"I'll get ye! I'LL FUCKING GET YER BOTH, DO YE FUCKING HEAR ME?!" He shouted at the stern-faced Nun and Police chief who were unmoved by the man's threats as he was led away.

Derry Girls: New Horizons, Part 1Where stories live. Discover now