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The whole situation just felt off, like a mix of confusion and disbelief

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The whole situation just felt off, like a mix of confusion and disbelief. For weeks, there had been nothing but silence between Kyan and me - a silence that only made the gap between us bigger. Surprisingly, I managed to move on. New opportunities arose, bringing new friends and a new circle of people.

So when I got a call out of the blue, urging me to come over immediately because something was up with Kyan, it felt like a some sick joke pulled on me. What made it even weirder was that it wasn't Kyan himself calling, but one of our mutual friends, Alex.

The timing was just strange - eleven in the morning, when I knew he was likely nursing a hangover or working in his office, depending on his mood. It all seemed too odd, and I couldn't shake the feeling that it was some kind of prank. Knowing Kyan, pulling a joke on me, now basically a stranger, wouldn't be unlike him.

I mean, what could possibly go so wrong that it needed such attention from me? I had already accepted that Kyan and I, once true best friends, had drifted apart. It was a rough pill to swallow, but I went surprisingly well with it. After all, I never relied on just one person for my happiness.

I had more job opportunities, danced with bigger artists, and even got bigger modeling gigs. Him not being in my life seemed to bring nothing but good to my life, although I did miss him. A lot.

But now, this call from Alex threw everything into chaos. It was clear he cared about me, but I also knew Kyan could be a bad influence. It was all so confusing, and I felt there was more to it than met the eye.

"What exactly are you saying?" I asked, uncertainty in my voice as I leaned back in my car seat, my gaze fixed on the rainy scenery outside.

I had parked outside Kyan's apartment complex after getting the text message, but I hesitated to reveal my presence. The building stood before me, bright against the gloomy clouds.

I had planned to spend the day watching movies, finishing my mother's soup, and going to the convenience store later. But now, things had taken a turn, and I wasn't keen on letting anyone know I still cared for him, especially after our fallout. So, I kept quiet about already being there.

"I want you to come over, please," Alex practically begged, his voice tired. I wondered what was going on and why he reached out to me specifically. Alex never sounded so exhausted. Did they get too wasted last night? Alex was a lightweight after all.

I rubbed my temples. "Okay, but why? Can't you guys handle this on your own? Kyan and I haven't spoken in weeks, so I'm not sure why he would need me," I admitted, glancing towards the window of the apartment complex. His apartment was visible, and I feared they might see my car, though it was quite hidden.

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