x. first time(!!!)

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As I stirred awake, the softness of the bed beneath me and the gentle scent of laundry and rain in the air slowly awakened me. My head ached with a dull pain, a lingering reminder of the previous night that was hazy at best.

Turning over, I blinked away the rest of the surprisingly well sleep, my eyes getting used to the soft morning light that came through the dark curtains.

And there, lying beside me in bed, was Ky, peacefully snoring away. The sight of him had me filled with confusion and curiosity within me, my mind struggling to make sense of the situation.

With cautious moves, I reached beneath the blanket, relieved to find myself still fully clothed. Everything seemed normal, except for the unexpected presence of Ky beside me, his soft snores filling the air with a strangely comforting sound.

Fumbling for my phone on the bedside table, I squinted at the screen, the brightness not helping with my headache.

A message from Alex greeted me, explaining how he had driven us home to Ky's place and tucked us in before leaving. The pieces began to fall ininto place, though I couldn't shake the feeling of embarrassment at my blacked-out state.

I had definitely done too much.

While I lay there, contemplating my next move, the lingering taste of alcohol in my mouth got more intense and realized I needed to freshen up as quickly as possible.

Slowly sitting up, I scanned the room, contemplating on how I should move to not wake him.

And just as I was about to make my move, I heard Ky's voice, soft and raspy in the morning light.

"Ava?" he murmured, his morning voice thick with sleep, his southern accent more pronounced than usual.

"Hm?" I replied, turning to face him, a faint giggle escaping my lips at the sight of his tousled hair and sleepy expression

"What?" he asked, a hint of confusion in his tone, though his lips curved into a smile in response to my amusement.

I couldn't help but giggle once more at his sleepiness, feeling a sense of warmth wash over me as I looked at him.

"Morning," I greeted softly, my laughter bubbling up as he got up, looking disoriented.

"Mornin'," he mumbled, his hand rubbing his face as he blinked sleepily. His hair was tousled, strands falling across his forehead in a way that was kinda endearing.

"Hey, umm, do you remember anything from last night?" I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me.

He let out a soft chuckle, sinking back into the bed.

"Yeah, bits and pieces," he admitted, his voice still laced with sleep. His eyes held a hint of mischief, as if he were holding onto secrets that he was reluctant to share.

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