chapter 8

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"Ummm..." Frank trailed off, standing in the now open doorway\y to his room.


Annabeth spun around, coming face to face with Frank. His face was red with embarrassment as he stood stunned in the doorway. Percy hadn't moved a muscle, looking dumbfoundedly at the spot she'd just been standing in.

"It was nice seeing you," She smiled, clasping her hands. "Um, you too Frank. I am gonna go, I've gotta a...lot of work to do."

She slipped her shoes on and picked up her bag, pulling the book out and handing it to Frank as she left. She walked down the hall slowly, her heels quiet against the carpeted floors. She heard the door close when she was about half way down the hall. What the actual fuck just happened? She'd let her teasing go a step too far and she'd enjoyed it? What was wrong with her? Annabeth had never lost control like that before. She was careful with her emotions, her desires, never letting them make a fool of her again. But Percy had snuck up on her. He seemed kind enough, hadn't hurt her or pushed her any boundaries, but that was what worried her. He was the kind of guy she wouldn't expect. So she'd have to ignore him. Cut him off. Avoid him entirely. She'd never say another word to the man.

Thursday, December 5th

Percy Jackson(7:57pm) sorry about what happened back there

It's not ur fault Annabeth Chase (8:00pm)

Besides it seemed a bit heated in there                                 

and I didn't want you to do something you'd regret                             

Percy Jackson who said id regret it

btw u left this behind

[insert photo: Annabeth's long, black hair ribbon in Percy's palm]

Of course he took the ribbon. She tried to ignore him as heat filled her face. She bit her lip in protest as a smile pulled at the corners of her mouth. She wanted to scream at the top of her lungs and punch him in the face then maybe kiss him a couple times. She put her phone in her bag as she entered her sorority house, praying no one would notice her unAnnabethly demeanor. She could hear loose chatter from the common space as she walked up the stairs. It was a typical Thursday night, most of the other girls were already home even though their curfew wasn't until 11. She opened the door to her and Hazel's bedroom, met with multiple suspicious smiling faces. Piper was bundled up on the floor with her camera and laptop, clicking furiously at the keyboard as she edited the photos she'd taken. Lacy was sitting around her, ogling at the screen. The excited girl practically pounced on Annabeth when she walked in the room, a flurry of questions leaving her mouth.

"Slow down, what are you even saying Lacy?" Annabeth sighed, putting her bag next to her desk.

"I'm saying you HAVE to look at these photos." Lacy exclaimed, pulling Annabeth towards Piper. "He's clearly in love with you."

"Love is a bit dramatic but he definitely likes you." Hazel smiled, looking up from her book.

She didn't want to look, it'd give her another reason to like him and she didn't need that right now. She could hear her phone's insistent vibrating from her bag, signaling that she was receiving a call. She grabbed it and looked down at the screen, her stomach filling with dread.

"Omg that's him isnt it!" Lacy squealed, her eyes darting to Annabeth's vibrating phone.

"It's... no one, definitely not Percy," She groaned, shooting Hazel a desperate look.

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