chapter 3

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Percy stared at the blank screen, unable to write his stupid English essay without thinking of her. He fiddled with his chain anxiously, knowing he had to do something. It had been a week and he'd already skipped their last two classes. He closed his laptop, gathering his things. He was going for a swim.

Lap after lap, each one calming him. It wasn't typical for him to be at the pool on a Thursday afternoon, even though he had no classes then. He usually spent his Thursday's volunteering to read to kids at the local public library. He'd called ahead to say he wasn't going but he still felt bad. He loved kids, especially toddlers. They reminded him of his sister. She was 3 almost 4 and obsessed with him, practically attached to his hip when he was home. He had yet to get her a Christmas gift, another thing on his impossibly long list of tasks. With a sigh he got out of the pool wrapping his towel around his waist and heading for the showers. What do toddlers even want for Christmas? He thought as he washed the chlorine away, he had no clue. He was going home for the holidays this year but he'd only get to see his sister briefly.

After his mom remarried Paul and had Estelle, the three of them had started going to visit Paul's family for the holidays. Percy would go with them for Thanksgiving but that meant he'd spend Christmas with his ever busy father. The other Blofis' were very nice and had welcomed Percy and his mom with open arms so Thanksgiving was never a hassle, just a 3 hour drive upstate. But Christmas had become his least favorite holiday. Most years he just stayed at his mom's apartment through the holiday, only seeing his father for his company's annual holiday gala in exchange for paying for his travel, food, etc while he was home. He liked going back to New York, seeing his friends and the city he was raised in, but found it hard to be around his father. The man was barely there for him as a kid, let alone at important events. But in exchange for being absent in Percy's childhood he had given Percy partial ownership of his business, whatever the fuck that meant. That gave Percy a steady source of income but the money itself felt like a bribe, mostly because it was. He dried off and got dressed before leaving the locker room, his hair still wet.

He walked down the hall in his sweatpants and crewneck, duffel hung over his shoulder. He smiled at the people he knew, making friendly remarks as he passed. He was all smiles until he saw her down the hall, leaving a class with some books in her hand. She seemed to have a one track mind, walking fast and purposefully. As they came closer to meeting she looked up and caught his eye. He assumed she'd glare or look away in disgust but she didn't, she smiled. It looked a bit forced, kind of like a grimace, but it wasn't as negative as he expected. He smiled back as he passed, unable to control it as it spread across his face. It was good to know she didn't hate him but now he'd had no reason to skip English yesterday or even all of last week

"Come on Percy, we both know that doesn't really mean anything." Frank sighed.

"But it could." He enthused, his voice full of delusion.

"Or she's just a nice girl who smiles politely at people she knows?" Jason suggested, sitting down across from them.

They were in Frank's apartment, their usual hangout place on a weeknight. Both of Percy's friends were working, with finals right around the corner there wasn't much else to do. But he couldn't work, he was going crazy after this afternoon.

"You're acting crazy, man! When was the last time you even kissed a girl?" Jason prodded, looking at him now.

"Uhhh New year's eve? It was Rachel though and it was to make her ex jealous." Percy sighed, slouching into the couch.

"And your last relationship?"

"God, high school maybe? You know, those couple months over the summer."

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