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september 14 2149

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september 14 2149

ARIA'S MIND WAS was moving a million miles per hour. She took everything in at once as she sprinted forward.

"Aria, wait!" Clarke called behind her.

Her eyes didn't leave Jasper. He was strung up, tied to the trunk of a large moss covered tree. He was shirtless and covered in blood. 

The tree was surrounded by tall sticks.

There was a poultice on Jasper's wound. The Grounders had treated him.

This was most likely bait. This was most likely a trap. She couldn't tell if it was meant for some kind of animal, or if it was for them. Either way, they'd found him, and they weren't leaving without him.

She reached Jasper before the others made it halfway across the clearing. She could hear them yelling for her to wait, to slow down, she ignored them.

She climbed the tree. It was old with big branches. Easy to climb. Some kind of oak. Long dead.

Jasper had been lashed to the trunk around his waist and hands above his head. They'd used some kind of thin, get strong vine. Aria fished her knife out of her pocket, and clamped it between her teeth and she started to examine him.

Clarke screamed. Aria spared a second to glance back at her, she had fallen in some kind of hole, but Bellamy had caught her. Back to the task at hand.

The wound wasn't too large, but she couldn't tell how deep it went. Finn had told her the spear had been thrown from 300 feet with pin point accuracy. She'd done a rough calculation, at a spear weighing 1 kilogram, with an initial velocity of 100 meters per second, and an angle of descent of 45 degrees, Jasper would've been hit with 50, 000 Newtons.

That wasn't good.

Even if by some miracle, it had missed his heart. It had definitely ripped through his right hand pectoralis, internal intercostals, and cracked his thoracic cage. He might be bleeding internally, or punctured a lung. He'd probably fractured his ribs, aswell. She didn't want to even think about the risk of pulmonary contusions or infection.

She felt his pulse. One two, three, four... She counted for 15 seconds. 140 bpm. Tachycardic. Jasper was in shock. He was in and out of consciousness.

"I need help getting him down." She barked to the group below. Finn was next to her in seconds. They worked quickly, sawing through and unknotting the vines with as much haste as they could.

A low growl ripped through the clearing.

Finn stopped what he was doing. "What the hell was that?"

Aria didn't care. As long as it didn't interfere with her and Jasper, it wasn't her problem. It was theirs. How long had he been up here? Had the spear hit an organ? Was he bleeding internally What's in that poultice? No pain medication for sure.

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