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3 years ago....

" Look at me child" mom growled. I felt a smack land across my face and my body slammed to the floor.

" Get up stupid ass and make me some damn dinner" (mom) says or should I say Emily

I pulled myself off the floor and limped towards the kitchen. I pulled chicken, mac & cheese, and corn out to make for them. 20 minutes later I was done with making their food. I went and stood in the corner with my head bow and hair in front of my face. I heard their footsteps coming closer to the dinner room. Both of them sat down and started eating.

" You may leave Aurora" Thomas said.

I bolted out of the dinning room and up the stairs away from them. Tonight is the night I leave. Packing everything I need in a bag. After packing a bag I walked towards the door. I peek my head out the door listening for any noise. Hearing nothing I grab my bag and bolt it to the door. Running down streets I look for a bus stop to take me far from Bangor, Maine. It's been 7 hours since I got on the bus I'm now in New York City. I'm in the rich neighborhood where my dad lives. I walk up to the gate which is open. Walking towards the door I knocked. I heard someone walking towards the door. Someone swung open the door. I recognized him as my older brother Romeo.

" Can I help you?" Romeo says.

" Who's at the door bub?" Emilia said.

" Never mind wrong door." I say. I hurry up and turn around running away. I run all the way to the bus stop and get back on. Next stop is Clear water Florida.

I'm sitting in a small cafe now eating a muffin while sipping on some coffee. I'm reading a book when I hear a chair getting pulled back in front of me. Looking up I see a guy in a suit who looks around 55.

" May I help you?" I say looking up at him.

" Yea, where's your parents' kid?" the stranger said.

I don't know but I feel like I can trust this guy so I end up telling my life story from My mom and Thomas abusing me to My brothers not recognizing me to running away from my family.

" Well kid if you're up for it I have a job for you but it requires training and alot of it too. My name is Oliver Don of the American Mafia. And you are?" holding out his hand to me.

" Aurora De Luca" shaking his hands. He smiles and gets up.

" Well now you're Aurora Smith. Come with me and we can start you're training tomorrow"

I get up gathering my stuff and falling in step right behind Oliver. Now here is my chance to start my new life away from my family

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