May 24, 1896

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Scouting balloons from the enemy today spread propaganda letters across our camp today. There was a quote by the President of G.P. Morgan, the son of the founder Daniel Morgan. It reads: 'You want wealth? You want comfort? You want medicine? You want a better way to live? That is what we are hoping to provide! Join the U.C. and together, we can revive this once great country!'

Of course, it's a lie, but I fear that many of the men resonate with the message. After all, it is a message coming from Daniel Morgan, one of the most vile, dishonorable men I've ever known.

His greed is second to none. Even before the Great Plague, he would climb on the backs of ordinary men to earn his wealth... and now? He wants to trample them.

I understand why the men would like to think that this fairy tale is real, but it is not. If the war were to end with the U.C. as the victors, the ordinary men that fought the war would quickly be forgotten...

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