March, 12, 1896

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March, 12, 1896

It all started with the United Corporations, or U.C. for short. As soon as the Great Plague took its toll, they were waiting in the shadows to try and seize power. At first, the U.C. didn't exist at all - it was just a group of individual corporations vying for economic power.

Realizing it was in their best interest to align against the one thing in their way - the federal government - the U.C. was formed, consisting of G.P. Morgan, Forge Inc., and in the beginning, Rockwell & Company.

WRR Rockwell was the first company to really try and seize power with the attempted assassination of the president. When the Federals traced the attempt back to Rockwell, their private milita was no match even for the depleted Federal military... but that skirmish is what led the enemy to form the U.C.

Their barrage of propaganda and a slow build up of organized militias began to mount a serious threat to the Federals - and it became apparent how many people were on their side... or at least against us.

And then it just kind of happened, before anyone really knew what was happening... Before we knew it our cities were war zones, and we found ourselves in the midst of a new, different kind of Civil War.

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