Chapter 21: Drawing

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Yuta looked down at his palms. There was no way to prove that anyone remembered the life that he didn't. Itadori might have been a valuable resource, but there were too many questions left unanswered. What he felt for Toge was undefined and deceptive. How did it even feel to fall in love?

He took a deep breath as he slowed his pace approaching the community center. Gojo would arrive shortly after him, and that would be when his plan begins. Gojo needed to believe that Yuta didn't remember.

His black hair dripped down his face past his ocean blue eyes. Just as he approached, Gojo's car arrived. It was eerie how similar everything had been. The white-haired man stepped out of the vehicle with a wave and a smile. Yuta couldn't help but accept the truth he had come to understand. Gojo Satoru was a liar who created the world they lived in.

"Hey there Okkotsu, glad you made it," Gojo said.

"You did ask me to, so here I am," Yuta struggled not to roll his eyes.

Gojo didn't say the same line he had before. He may have had the ability to manipulate time, but he wasn't a modern god. Even he lost track of all the threads he had left behind. That was what Itadori said anyway.

"That's true, but you chose to come," Gojo grinned with his sparkling crystal eyes.

"I guess that's true too," Yuta nervously smiled.

How much was there left to learn from such a man? Toge must remember; that was crucial to the plan. If he didn't, then there would be too many issues. The goal of the evening would be to make it to Toge's house again. Though if the signal would work, then that wouldn't be a problem.

Together, the two men, one white-haired and the other black, walked into the den of anxiety. That was Gojo's domain. As expected, Toge arrived early. If the silver-haired man was trying to repeat the past, that would be the best way.

Toge's face was cold as he looked at the ground. His lips were limp and pressed together. Yuta wanted to be seen by the silver-haired man. Just look, that was all Yuta could think. He begged silently to be seen.

"Why don't you go sit by Inumaki? The silver-blond over there?" Gojo pointed at Toge.

"Oh, yeah, sure," Yuta said.

Toge jerked his head up, but their eyes did not yet meet. Silver hair draped downward across Toge's face. Was he sad? Of course he was. Toge had said there was a life before where he had loved Yuta. Unlike Itadori, he hadn't experienced that pain several times. Hopefully, this would be the last.

Yuta quickly took the seat to the right of Toge. It was a different seat than the time prior, but that might have been due to several reasons. Chance played a major role in the passage of time, according to Itadori.

"Um, hi. I'm Okkotsu Yuta. Nice to meet you," Yuta said, biting his lip.

Inumaki sat back in his chair, his violet eyes still avoiding Yuta's. He gave a brief wave, as silent as ever. All Yuta wanted to see was that smile he had seen on Toge's face before. A smile of understanding. A smile of confidence.

Yuta shrugged, thinking of a good backup way to signal to Toge without being too obvious. There had to be a way. A phrase, something simple that would click with both of them uniquely. Something Gojo wouldn't know.

"Did you intend on being late again? Always keeping the rest of us waiting," Maki yelled.

"Yeah, yeah. I had something to take care of. But I see we have some new faces in here. We should do a warm-up and introduce ourselves. How about we start with you, Okkotsu?" Gojo asked.

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