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Take off the mask.
Take off the mask Derek.

Let me see you...

just let me see you.

Do I have to sacrifice my life?

I'd do it. Just to see you.

If I could just see you once, my life could end two seconds later and I'd have zero regrets.

Why did you do what you did?



Stiles opened his eyes, sitting up in bed, panting slightly. He hated sleep, which was funny. He used to love sleeping.

But he hated it. Everyday, he would find himself in that stupid field.

And he'd see Derek.

Derek didn't speak anymore. He didn't say anything, he didn't answer Stiles' questions. He'd just walk up to Stiles.

But that stupid mask.

Stiles would reach out, to try and remove it. Derek would let him, he'd stand still. But the moment Stiles lifted it, Derek would disappear. The field would look empty, as though all the flowers had wilted. But the flowers were fine.

It was Stiles that felt like he was wilting slowly.

It had been one week already since the Ecliptic. He could see, which was good and all. For some reason, despite him being 'blind' his whole life, he quickly adjusted to it. It was as though his life with Derek didn't happen.

Maybe it didn't. Or did Derek erase it?

Boyd and Scott visited every other day, whether just to chill or do work. Stiles felt both familiar and unfamiliar with the recordings. He had watched some videos on Youtube that were under the name 'StilesRec0rds' which, according to Scott, was his creation.

The videos he did, he remembered them. But they still felt like they belonged to someone else. A few scenes, however, were more familiar. He remembered Derek experiencing them.

He remembered hearing Derek yell out while recording videos, and remembered him scolding Scott for coloring the wrong backdrop in a Harry Potter video.

He had watched the Harry Potter video, and the exact scene happened. But it was Stiles that scolded Scott instead of Derek.

He had attempted Googling and searching up the name Derek. Even typed in 'Derek Records'. But nothing came up. It was like he didn't exist.

Even Checkers was acting off. She would wander into what was once Derek's bedroom. She would just walk around and curl up on the floor.

The sound of keys entering the front door lock caught Stiles' attention. "Oh Stiles!" Scott's scream rang through the house, followed by him slamming the front door.

"Stiles?" Boyd's voice followed soon after.

Here they were again, walking in like it's their own house.

"Present," Stiles called out, rubbing his eyes and not making much of an effort to get out of bed.

Scott opened his bedroom door, sighing slightly when he saw Stiles in bed.

"Why do you get to live the life I want?" Scott groaned.

Boyd clicked his tongue, walking up to the window and drew the curtains.

"What would I do without you Boyd?" yawned Stiles.

"I don't know Stiles. How'd you sleep?" Boyd asked innocently, shooting a small look to Scott that Stiles saw.

and i'd give up forever to see youWhere stories live. Discover now