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The next day I walk into my class room
God it's hot out today
Then someone storms into the room
"Y/n!" I hear bill say
But the second I turn around he runs into my chest and hugs me, I can hear him sniffing
I carefully place my arms on his shoulders giving him the sign to step back
You can't hug students
It's wrong
I lightly push him back and he's got tear stains on his cheeks
"Oh fuck what happened" I ask
He shows me his wrist and there's a burn mark
"How, what?" I ask
"Those boys who were bullying me yesterday
They found me this morning and because it's so hot they pressed my wrist up against the metal bars" he said in tears
"Oh fuck" I say taking his hand and looking at it
I let go and turn around
Then I grab out ice from my water bottle
I close the bottle and go back to bill
I hold onto his arm again and rub the ice up and down the burn
With bills other hand he is wiping away his tears
"I'm taking you to the nurse bill, then your gonna tell me who those boys are and we will go to the principal" I say
"Thank you" bill says quietly but I can hear it
I then grab a tissue
And wipe up a small bit of mascara on his face
There really wasn't a lot but I don't want people to know he was crying
He gives me a smile and a nod while I do that
Then we head off
First we go to the nurses
They put some cream on his arm and then they wrap it up in just some white cloth
As we leave the first aid a group of boys walk past and say
"Didn't know you started cutting yourself again" bill just stared at the ground
"Office now!" I say in a serious tone
What fuckers
They have no right to say that
"Come on" I say patting bill on the back
Bill is quiet for the rest of the walk
I think he's embarrassed or ashamed but he has no right to be
I hope he's okay
We get to the office and I ask if we can speak to the principal
We go into her office and sit down
"What is it this time bill" she says in an annoyed tone
"Umm" bill says
"A group of boys beat up bill yesterday, and today they pressed his arm down onto the hot metal bars" I say
"I see" she says looking into a book
No fucking emotion
"Is it the usual boys?" She asks
Bill nods
"You knew about this?" I ask
"Yes I did, they get their punishment don't worry, thanks for telling me bill, anything else?" She says in a rushed voice
"No" bill says quietly
"Okay, nice chatting" she says and then goes down to her paper work
"How does it feel" I say on the way out
"Bad, I'm not just talking about the burn though, she won't do shit about those boys" bill says
"I know but I'll keep an eye on you" I say
Bill smiles down at the ground but I see it
"You have first period with me anyways" I say
Bill looks up at me and he looks very happy
Once me and bill get to the class room he sits on one of the desks
"You know your meant to only wear sport on sports days, you wore it yesterday too" I say
Bill gives me a bitchy look and says
"I know good job Sherlock"
I laugh a little
Once the rest of the class gets here
We head down to the field
Bill sits down under a tree and I sit next to him
Bill then reaches into his pocket and grabs out a pill
He puts it into his mouth
"Want one" he's says
"Cant, I'll get fired" I say
Bill smirks
"Your loss"
I tell the rest of the class to do laps around the field or play rugby
Me and bill just keep talking
Then the pill kicks in
Bill starts giggling to himself
"Huh?" I look over and he's laughing at a ant on his hand
"Oh shit your high" I say
Bill puts his finger up to his lips and shhhs me
"Don't tellll" he says laying his head onto my shoulder
I carefully push it off
That's not a good look
"I'll be back" he says getting up
"What where are you going" I ask
Bill points down
"Boner" he says and the he walks off to the field bathroom
"Jesus" I whisper
I jump up and go out to the field
Once I'm on there a group of girls come up to me
"Heyyy sirrr" one says twirling her hair
"Your such a chill teacher" another says
"Thanks, don't you guys want to get involved" I ask completely ignoring their flirts
"I'm on my period" one says and then they all laugh
Christ they are annoying
Maybe I'm on my period because these girls are draining me
I see bill stumble out of the bathroom
And sit down by the tree
"Alright nice talking" I say walking away
I hear one scoff and another laughed
I go and sit by bill
It was quiet but not awkward
"I'm going home" bill said getting up
I jump up with him
"No bud you can't" I say
"Meh no one will notice I'm gone, it's fine and I'm really tired" he says
"Please stay, and I'll give you a lift home" I say
Bill looks at the ground and then he just stares into my eyes
I stare back but then laugh a little
"You good bill" I ask
"You have a nice nose y/n" bill says
"Why thank you Bill" I say laughing
"I'll stay, BUT only because I don't want my dad to get me, I want you to take me home" he says
"What's dad done to upset you" I ask
"Called me a faggot and hit me" bill says
"What!" I ask
"Yea he was drunk though" bill says
"Don't defend him, are you okay at home bill" I ask
"Yea don't worry, he's practically never home anyways"
"Right.." I say thinking
Once the bell goes I make sure bill is calmed down and not as high looking as he was in my class
Then I go to my next class
I do the rest of my classes and at the end of the day I go looking for bill
He was at his locker
We walkout together
And get into my car
I drive bill all the way to his house but then he says
"No? My dad's here? He only ever pops in to pick me up, he's never aloud just inside, I-I don't want to stay here umm just drop me toooo-
Bill says in a stressed voice
"If your afraid you can sleep at mine" I say
"A-are you sure" bill asks
"Oh fucking thank you"
Bill then calls his mum
"hey mum, just letting you know I'm not coming home until he leaves, I am not spending a single second with a prick like him" then he hangs up and leans against the door
He pinches the bridge between his eyes and groaned
We then pull up to my house
"Holy fuck- you don't live here" bill says
"Hah yes I do, and so do you till your dad leaves" bill sits up straighter in his seat
I park the car but before we get out I say
"Bill, no one can know about this, you driving with me, living in my house, even calling me
Y/n, okay promise you won't tell"
"I promise" bill Says
I walk bill inside
I show him where he can sleep and where the bathroom's are
"Thank you so much y/n" bill says turning around and hugging me
Considering we're not at school I say fuck it
His hands are wrapped around my neck
So I slither mine around his waist resting on his hips
We stay like that for a little
It's comfortable and calming
It almost feels safe
I then carefully push him back
I don't need things to escalate
That would be very very bad
He's 16 and I'm 23!
"Wanna watch a movie?" I ask
Bill nods and skips to the lounge room
"Oh clothes let's see, I go into my room, I find track suit pants with a small lace so he can tie them around his thin hips and then I found a shirt
I just put on some black track suit pants and a normal white shirt
"Here bill" I say handing him the clothes
"Oh thanks" he says
He takes his shirt off and puts the new one on
"Chill I'm still your teacher" I say laughing and covering my eyes
"Oh don't be dramatic" bill says walking into the kitchen to change his pants
He struggles a bit before walking over to me
"Can I have help please" he asks
He was trying to unknot the knot that was already in the pants I sit forward on the couch and start undoing it
Bill just stares down at me
This feels wrong
It is wrong
But I can't just say no
Once I finish doing it he smiles
I start tying it back up before I fully tie it
I put 2 of my fingers in the side of his pants making sure he will still have room to bloody breath
Then I tie the knot
"Thank you" he says
"Are you hungry bill?" I ask
"Nah I'm fine, are you?" He asks
"Nope just making sure"
Half ways through the movie bill starts moving around, maybe he's getting tired and wants to lay down
Would it be weird if I let him do that
"Do you wanna lay down?" I ask
"Yea but it's fine" bill says
"Oh come on I don't mind" I say
Bill then thinks for a moment before he stretches over and lays down with his back on my lap
He plays with the bandage on his arm
He lifts a small bit of it up and looks at it
"Shh" he winces
"You okay?!" I ask
"My shirt is pulling on the bandge" he says
"You can take it off if you want" I say
Was that weird of me
I hope not
Bill gets off of me and takes his shirt off
I stare at the way his body moves
How he sways his hips while getting the shirt off
I realise I've been staring for a while
Bills looking at me a little bit weird
Oh shit
"Y/n?" Bill says
"Yeah I'm sorry, sorry" I say
"It's okay" bill says
He then lays back down onto me
His hand resting on his stomach
No this can't be okay
My student is laying on my lap, in my house half naked
I can't do this I can't
But when I try to get up I realise that bill is sleeping
I pick him up and carry him to bed
I tuck him in and go to my room

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