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"If you could have anything in the world, what would it be?" Derek asked.

He lay on his bed, staring at his ceiling. Stiles was on the bed too, leaning against the headboard beside Derek, hugging his knees.

Stiles let out a light laugh at the question, his answer was predictable as always.

"That's easy, Derek. I'd want to see you,"

Derek scoffed, rolling his eyes. "So you'd want to be able to see?"

"Sure," Stiles said softly. "I guess that's it,"

Derek looked at Stiles, his green eyes scanning Stiles' face slowly. His face lacked emotion, just a small smile on his face from their brief conversation.

Derek looked at Stiles' grey eyes, as they focused on nothing in particular. They started at the wall opposite the bed, seeing nothing.

Derek and Stiles had been friends for many years, since they've been kids. Since the day Derek looked at Stiles, and realized that Stiles couldn't look back at him.

The story of how Derek's favorite color changed from green to grey.

"Hey, Stiles," Derek said again, feeling his face flush red with the question he was about to ask. He was slightly thankful Stiles couldn't see him.


"You know..." Derek said slowly, meaning every word, knowing Stiles couldn't see the utmost sincerity laced in his eyes. "If I could, I'd make your wish come true,"

Stiles smiled. "Yeah... that's comforting. I know you would,"

Derek found himself looking at Stiles again, at every aspect of his face despite seeing him every single day. He saw Stiles everyday, but Stiles couldn't see him. He couldn't see his best friend.

But Derek would never get tired of looking at Stiles. He was beautiful. He wanted to tell that to Stiles, to let him know. Just to tell him how beautiful he was, and what a shame it was that he couldn't see it.

Stiles and Derek were roommates, and after living together for a few years, the two became inseparable. They were rarely seen without the other, and when their best friend Scott came over as well, they were a trio.

Stiles didn't need much help with daily tasks, but having Derek with him certainly was useful. He often felt like living with Derek was a burden to the latter. He often wondered what Derek's expressions were. Whether there were days where he would rather be elsewhere than with Stiles.

But Stiles couldn't see. He couldn't see the fondness and adoration in Derek's eyes when he was looking at Stiles. He couldn't see the knowing look Scott gives when the three were in the same room. And he wouldn't see how Derek always makes sure Stiles is okay before doing anything else.

Stiles was like his Sun, Moon and all his stars. There was almost no limit to what Derek would do to make Stiles' wish come true.

Maybe one day, he'll throw it all away for him. Maybe then, Stiles will finally understand how much he meant to Derek.

"What is up, my bitches!" came a yell as Scott burst through the door, raising his hands dramatically.

Startled by the sudden noise, Stiles had hit his shoulder against the headboard, Derek instantly putting his arm around his friend.

He glared at Scott who winced.

"Scott! How did you get here?" Stiles questioned, sighing.

"I got spare keys duh," Scott pulled out the keys in question and began jingling them. "Derek, quit looking at me like that, I'm not gonna bite him."

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