Chapter 5

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Word count: 2133

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I woke the next morning to the sound of banging on my door. 

"Come in," I say forcing my eyes open.

My dad enters my room. 

"You gonna be ready for practice soon. You don't wanna be late."

I threw off my covers and groaned forgetting I had morning practice. I changed into my uniform and shoved my outfit for the day in my bag. The girls and I had decided to wear cute pajama pants and a shirt to go with it. My shirt was a tight brown one with short sleeves. We were all wearing the same pants though. I grabbed my bag and called Melie.

"What?" She said tiredness dripping in her voice.

"Nothing I just wanted to wake you up."

"Asshole," She muttered and hung up the phone. 

I laughed as I slid my phone into my pocket and started my car pulling out of the driveway. I stop by a cafe before I get to school and grab a coffee and a muffin to wake me up. I drink the coffee quickly and decide to save the muffin for after practice. 

Once I arrive at the school I walk slowly to the gym wanting to be in bed. I see Nina already there and we partner up to Pepper. 


After practice is over I feel sweat dripping down my face and wipe it off on my jersey before putting on some deodorant and throwing on my outfit for the day. I take out the braids I had worn to bed forgetting to this morning but love how they turned out. I let the wavy hair fall down my back and quickly do a light amount of makeup. 

Once I'm done I walk to my locker and wait for Melie. once I see her enter the building I run towards her and jump on her back.

"Someone in a good mood," She says dropping me.

I laugh and shove her, "that hurt," I complain rubbing my legs. 

"Not my fault you jumped on my back," She countered.

I walked with her to class and then took the long way to my class trying to avoid people (like Walter). I make it to class just in time and wait for Mrs. Alex to let us get to work on the project.


The day went by quickly after the first period and before I knew it everyone was crowding into the football game. The girl and I had gotten the front-row seat. We watched both teams warm up and were putting in our guests for who we thought was gonna win. 

I had a lot of faith in our team and was ready for them to come home with another win. I watched closely as we started with the ball. The first touchdown of the game was a beautiful pass right into the endzone putting them in the lead. Thought not for long cause the other team scored a touchdown as well. 

by the end of the first half, we were up by 3. The score was 24-21. To start the next half Ezekial scored a rushing touchdown putting them in a 10-point lead. Just a couple of minutes later the other team scored again bringing it back down to a 3-point lead. 

With two minutes left in the game, they were tied 31-31. We had the ball and all we needed was to run down the clock and score once more to win. Ezekial sent a perfect pass to the receiver and he caught it taking to ball for a touchdown. 

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