Chapter 5: Under the Stars

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~Harry's POV~

The night unfolded around me, a canvas painted with a myriad of stars that whispered untold stories. The garden had become my refuge, a sanctuary where the vastness of the sky mirrored the endless possibilities that unfolded within my heart. As I sat on the edge, the cool breeze rustling the leaves, my thoughts traced the journey that led me to this nightly ritual.

In the quiet of the garden, I found solace. The stars above became confidants, witnesses to the vulnerability that I hid during the day. Each night, I ventured outside, escaping the shadows of my past that lingered in the corners of my mind. The tranquility of the night wrapped around me like a comforting blanket, a respite from the memories that often haunted my dreams.

I traced the patterns of constellations with my eyes, a silent conversation with the celestial beings that adorned the canvas above. The garden became my haven, a place where the silence wasn't deafening, but soothing. It was here that I allowed myself to feel, to dream, and to slowly unravel the threads of the past that bound me.

One particular night, as I lost myself in the dance of stars, a soft rustle of leaves interrupted the solitude. Zayn and Niall appeared, their figures outlined against the moonlit backdrop. My initial instinct was to retreat, the fear of intrusion tightening my chest. Yet, something in the way they looked at me, a genuine concern and understanding, anchored me in place.

"Mind if we join you?" Niall asked, his voice a gentle melody that echoed through the quiet night.

I hesitated for a moment before nodding, welcoming them to the sacred space that had become my refuge. They settled beside me, the night embracing us in its tranquil embrace.

For the first time, I felt the warmth of companionship beneath the starlit sky. Zayn and Niall didn't pry; they simply shared the quietude with me, a shared understanding that transcended words. The night became a tapestry woven with shared silences and unspoken connections.

As we gazed at the stars, a profound realization unfolded within me – I wasn't alone. For the first time, I felt the presence of a family, a sense of belonging that reached beyond the confines of walls. The garden, once a solitary haven, transformed into a space where connection bloomed like the flowers that adorned its corners.

The night wore on, and a gentle fatigue settled within me. I leaned against Zayn, the quiet companionship a balm to my weary soul. The tranquility of the moment lulled me into a peaceful slumber.

When I awoke, I found myself in the familiar cocoon of my bed. Confusion washed over me, the memories of the night blurred. A soft glow from the window illuminated the room, revealing the traces of Zayn and Niall's care. I felt clean, as if the burdens of the night had been washed away while I slept.

As I approached the kitchen, the aroma of a home-cooked meal embraced me. Zayn and Niall were engrossed in their own conversation, their laughter echoing through the room. The domestic scene felt foreign yet oddly comforting.

Approaching them, I mustered the courage to speak, my voice a whisper that broke the silence.

"I like stargazing," I admitted, my eyes meeting Zayn's and Niall's. "And I like it more when you're beside me. Please join me more."

The words hung in the air, a vulnerability laid bare. Zayn's eyes softened, a warmth that reached beyond the spoken language. Niall's smile echoed the sentiment, their silent promise to share not just the nights but the journey that stretched before us.

In that moment, beneath the ordinary glow of the kitchen lights, a connection bloomed – a connection that transcended the boundaries of fear and solitude. The stars had witnessed our shared vulnerability, and in the quiet acceptance of that kitchen, the garden, and the countless nights that awaited, I discovered a newfound strength – the strength to rebuild, to dream, and to embrace the extraordinary love that had found its way into my once-guarded heart.


author's note

bonjour! omg, harry's first words!!! 

the next chapters are going to be more fun and a more sneak peek-y vibe into their daily lives. i just think the first few days were a blur/kind of slow since harry was still adjusting


clementine violet x

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