Chapter 1: A Decision Made

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Zayn's heart raced as he gazed across the living room at Niall, his longtime boyfriend and companion. The idea had been brewing in Zayn's mind for months, a quiet whisper that had grown into an undeniable desire. It was time to expand their family, to welcome a new member into their home.

Niall, sensing Zayn's intensity, looked up from his book and met Zayn's gaze. The unspoken connection between them was a language of its own, a shared history that spoke of love, challenges, and the unbreakable bond they had forged. Zayn cleared his throat, the gravity of his thoughts making it momentarily difficult to speak.

"Ni," Zayn began, his voice steady but laced with vulnerability, "what do you think about... about adopting?"

Niall's eyes widened, his expression shifting from curiosity to contemplation. Zayn could see the wheels turning in Niall's mind, the same gears that mirrored his own thoughts.

"Adopting?" Niall repeated, setting aside his book. "Like, a pet?"

Zayn nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Not just any pet, though. I was thinking of expanding our family in a different way."

Niall's gaze softened, and he scooted closer to Zayn on the couch. The air between them became charged with possibility, a shared excitement for the unknown. Zayn took a deep breath, plunging into the depth of his emotions.

"I was thinking... about adopting a hybrid," Zayn confessed, watching Niall's eyes widen with surprise.

"A hybrid?" Niall echoed, his eyebrows furrowing in thought. "Like a cat or a dog?"

Zayn chuckled, his nerves dissipating as Niall's curiosity took center stage. "Not exactly. More like a cat-human hybrid."

Niall's eyes widened even further, a mixture of surprise and intrigue. Zayn continued, his words painting a picture of his vision for their future.

"I've read about these hybrids who are looking for homes, companionship. They're like us in so many ways, capable of feeling love and forming deep connections. I thought it could be... something special for us."

Niall remained silent for a moment, absorbing Zayn's words. Then, with a gentle smile, he reached for Zayn's hand, intertwining their fingers.

"I love the idea," Niall said, his voice filled with warmth. "Expanding our family, giving someone a home and love. Let's do it, Zayn."

The weight lifted from Zayn's shoulders, replaced by a surge of joy and gratitude. Together, they began to discuss their expectations, the kind of companion they envisioned, and the beautiful journey they were about to embark upon.

Little did they know, this decision would set the stage for a transformative chapter in their lives, bringing unforeseen challenges, laughter, and a love that would bind them in ways they could never have imagined. The decision was made, and the adventure awaited, unfolding in the chapters of their shared story.


author's note:

bonjour! i've been a part of wattpad since i was 10 years old. over the years, i've been in and out of reading and writing. now that i'm 20, i really miss this community. i'm eager to dive back in, finish all my unfinished works, and this is where I'll begin!

i hope you'll enjoy reading!


clementine violet x

Stargazing Hearts ~ Ziall and Harry Cat Hybrid AUWhere stories live. Discover now