Chapter 5

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My crow came flying in with Tanjiro's and landed on my shoulder. "Tanoshi! How ya been?" I asked. "Masuki. You have another mission. Head to Asakusa, Tokyo now! There's a rumor that demons are lurking around that area!" Tanoshi said.

I took in what he said with a blank look. Then I realized what he said. "WHAAAAT!? Another mission right now!?" I screamed. Tanjiro's crow told him the same thing. So, me and Tanjiro headed to Asakusa, Tokyo.


When we finally made it there it was nighttime. We walked around the town and admired how beautiful it was, then went to get something to eat. We went to a shop kinda far away from the main parts of town. Tanjiro said the city was "too overwhelming" for him. It just seemed like a regular city to me.

I guess I was the only one admiring it.

"Excuse me sir. May we have 2 bowls of Udon with yam please." Tanjiro asked the man. "Coming right up."

We sat down on a nearby bench to eat our food. Nezuko was out of her box but she was still pretty sleepy, so she was leaning on my shoulder while I ate. Suddenly Tanjiro got up slowly looking really disturbed, dropping his bowl of Udon.

Then he ran off into the city with his sword. "What the- Tanjiro! Where are you going!?" I yelled. I ran after Tanjiro leaving Nezuko behind. "Nezuko. Stay right here." I looked over to the shopkeeper. "Excuse me. Can you look after my...sister please. I need to step away for a second." "No problem." he answered.

Tanjiro ran up to a man and grabbed his shoulder. The guy turned around with a smug look on his face.

When he turned I was frozen in fear. I sensed such a...dangerous feeling from him. He was like no other demon I'd ever encountered before. Tanjiro was about to draw his sword but then someone spoke.

"Daddy?...Who is that?" The man turned around with a little girl in his arms. This pissed me off. This posing... as a human, with innocent people!!! "I'm sorry, is there something I can help you with? Are you alright? You seem to be a bit flustered." the demon asked innocently.

Then a woman walked over. "Darling. What's going on?" "Don't worry mother!" The little girl said. I looked over at Tanjiro. He was distraught. He was confused. He was sick! "Who are these people?" the woman asked.

"I don't know. I'm just as confused as you are. I've never met him before. He must've thought I was someone else." the demon said. "Oh, is that it?" as the woman was talking, I gasped. I saw the demon scratch a man's neck.

The man was with a woman. He stopped what he was doing. "What's wrong sweetheart? Are you alright?..." the woman asked. The man started growling. "You look pale." the woman said. Then...HE TURNED INTO A DEMON!!! He bit the woman he was with in the shoulder, and the woman screeched in pain.

Tanjiro pushed through the woman and the demon. "No! Stop!!" Tanjiro yelled. I ran past them as well. I took a look back at the demon, and I was disgusted with him. He had a demonic look on his face, like his "wife and child" wasn't right there.

Tanjiro took his scarf and balled it into the man's mouth. I went to take care of his wife's injury. "Sweetheart no!" the woman yelled. "Listen here. You need to worry about yourself. You're injured." I said.

"Somebody get me a towel.. or a scarf! Just something to apply pressure with!!!" I shouted to the crowd of people who had surrounded the situation. Someone gave me their scarf. I tied it around the woman's shoulder tightly.

I looked around for the other demon who caused this. He was walking away with the woman and child!!! Since he was with them, I couldn't attempt to kill him. Nevermind that, I was too scared to even try. I felt so hopeless.

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