Chapter 4

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Tanjiro jumped in the air and dodged them all. "Water style, 8th form. Waterfall basin!" Tanjiro shouted, while slicing down on all three of the demons and slicing their arms. They teleported their arms into a puddle near me, then the three demons teleported as well.

Tanjiro and I got in front of Kazumi and the girl. Suddenly I felt a presence. It was going after Kazumi and the girl. "Earth breathing, 3rd form. Flowing Grass!" I shouted. I sliced off some of it's shoulder and the demon eroded in pain.

"Dang it. I missed." I said. Tanjiro ran and tried to cut his head off, but the demon dodged teleported in its puddle again. "How annoying." I mumbled. "BASTARDS!! She'll go stale! Move out of the way you pests!

The girl is already 16, she's losing her flavor every second that passes. If I don't eat her soon, there won't be any left!" the demon shouted. Just then a duplicate demon popped out from behind us. "Take a breath, other me. Calm down. It's no big deal. Nights like these have happened before.

I've already had plenty of 16-year-old girls in this town. Every last one of them was delicious. I'm satisfied with that." demon 2 said calmly. "Well I'm not satisfied at all, other me!!! I want to devour all of them!" demon 1 said.

"You monster. What did you do with Satoko? The girl you kidnapped the other night?" Kazumi asked. Then a third demon showed up on a rooftop, grinding his teeth together. Then the first demon did the same. "Hm...Satoko? Which one was that?" demon 2 asked, opening his vest.

Kazumi looked horrified. "If her hair pin is in this collection then I'm afraid I've already devoured her. Sorry." demon 2 finished. Then Kazumi started crying. I felt like screaming, but I kept it in. I ran and tried to cut his head off but then they all teleported again. Dang it. How many times is that gonna happen!?

I looked around, then sensed a demon coming up at Tanjiro and turned around. "Tanjiro look out!" I shouted. Tanjiro was quick to jump into the air, and cut the demon's arm off. Then a demon came out of the wall where Tanjiro was, and I sprinted over and cut its arm off.

Then a demon came out of the ground and tried to stab Tanjiro. Neither of us were quick enough to react, but then Nezuko came out of her box and kicked the demon's head, making it spin, and knocking him unconscious.

Demon 2 came out of the ground looking at the situation. "Why in the world would a demon be working alongside a demon slayer?" it asked itself. I took this opportunity to sneak around the back of the demon and try to surprise attack him, but he noticed and went into its puddle.

I didn't have enough time to land on hard ground, so I ended up falling into the puddle with him! It was dark, dirty, and most of all...IT WAS WATER!!!! I have to hold my breath!!! I swam around a little and I saw a bunch of torn up girl clothes.

That really pissed me off. Then I found the demon that I got teleported down with, with another one of himself. Demon 2 started laughing. "Check it out, other me. There's 2 of 'em. One for both of us." Demon 2 said. What? I looked up to see Tanjiro floating down.

I almost choked. Why the heck is he down here? "Getting hard to breathe yet? There isn't a whole lot of air down here in the swap. And the darkness is closing in on you, it only adds to the weight you feel." Demon 1 said.

I looked over to Tanjiro and signaled to take the first demon, and I'll take the second demon. He nodded and we went our different ways.


I need to finish this quickly. I can't hold my breath for too long. I can only hold it for about 2 minutes. So I need to finish the fight before then. He can't teleport when he's down here, so I can attack him without worrying about that. But he also has the advantage when he's down here.

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