unprotected hand holding 1 (updated with paragraph breaks)

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Out of nowhere, while studying with my friend Masachika Kuze, he asked me a question: "Hey Alya, would you like to have unprotected hand-holding?"

His request took aback me. The thought of him wanting to hold hands without protection felt wrong. As we all know, unprotected handholding is the most perverted thing people could do-more perverted than actual sex. Just the thought of our hands touching each other in such a manner made me feel disgusted, but I'd been bored for the whole day, so I agreed, "Hand-holding is lewd, but I'm extremely bored, so sure, why not?"

We both started moving closer to each other and eventually sat down together in a corner. We both slowly moved our hands together, and the second they started touching, my heart skipped a beat. "Kuze, I'm scared. What do I do?" "Allow me to move." I let out faint moans as he started moving his hand across mine, and at that very moment, all I felt was pleasure. Hand-holding is so lewd and perverted, yet it's got me faintly moaning and feeling pleasure. He kept grabbing my hand while I kept faintly moaning as usual. I just couldn't control myself anymore. His soft hand felt so good when he was holding it.

And then, after a solid 15 minutes of this lewd and perverted act, Kuze let go and said, "We should probably go back to studying now." I agreed and stood up, but we were both blushing from embarrassment and couldn't get anything done for the rest of our time together.

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