Whirlwind of emotions

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You rolled down the car window and the crisp air entered, it was invigorating. The soft glow of the sunlight hitting your face felt good. Your long hair was gracefully dancing along with the wind. You tucked your hair behind your ear and looked out the window, Damien glanced at you before returning his attention on the road and he spoke again. "It seems that you're enjoying this more than I thought", he said in his usual monotone voice. His behavior can be eccentric sometimes, you sighed and looked at him. "Yeah, thank you, I really enjoyed the food back there at the restaurant and I liked our conversation as well", you added with a smile on your face. He closed his eyes for a brief moment before he looked ahead while driving. "Good to know", he said seemingly satisfied with the outcome of his efforts so far.

He continued to drive as you tried to be reticent in front of him to avoid making him worry and raise his suspicion of you. Your mind was preoccupied with many thoughts, and you felt somewhat anxious. You leaned against your seat and took a deep breath to calm yourself down, you noticed that Damien was taking another route and you realized that both of you were not going back to the mansion just yet. He drove for another 15 minutes until you arrived at a mall. He pulled up in the parking lot and you exited the car. He took your hand gently and entered the mall, there were many people inside, and you began to stroll around and looked at different shops that you came across before Damien pulled you into one of the clothing stores. The shop was fairly huge and had many sets of clothes displayed on each aisle and they had different sections for specific genders and age groups. A woman approached you and gave you a friendly smile, she was attractive and guided you to one of the women's clothing aisle sections. She began to showcase different clothes for you and tried her best to convince you. Your jaw dropped when you saw the price tag, you politely declined but Damien noticed it and insisted on buying it for you. You wanted to decline but he doesn't take no for an answer.

He pulled out his black card and the staff's eyes flickered with joy and awe. She immediately helped you out in trying each clothe, you stepped out of the changing room and Damien was mesmerized by your beauty, the fabrics used are high-quality and each one fits you perfectly, accentuating your curves more. You feel a bit embarrassed but his compliments somehow boosted your confidence. He paid for the clothes that you bought and left the store, Damien wanted to spoil you today. He bought you pieces of jewelry, shoes, bags, and other accessories. You enjoyed his company and he was contented when he saw your beautiful smile. "Are you happy now?", he asked seemingly curious about your reaction. "Yeah, I really enjoyed this day with you", you replied. "I just wanted to see you smile, I know that I haven't treated you nicely before and I guess this is a good step to improve our relationship in this marriage", he said with sincerity in his voice. "You're right", you muttered softly while looking down as you agreed with his statement. He entered the car with you and drove back home.

You both returned to the mansion and before you stepped out of the car, you felt him holding your wrist, pulling you back. You fall into his arms and you blush a bit when you realize that he closed the gap between the both of you and he was very close to your face. He looked at you deeply in the eyes and his warm breath hit the side of your face, which made you feel a tingly sensation in your body. "I had a lot of fun today and I hope that we can do this again at some other time, can you do me a favor?", he asked. "Sure, what is it?", you looked away from him, feeling slightly embarrassed. "Close your eyes", he said in a demanding tone. You nodded and obliged to his request, you felt his hand touching your chin and held your face up close to his before leaning in for a brief yet tender kiss, he pulled away and looked at you. You opened your eyes and you met his gaze, those alluring orbs were beautiful as always. "I've wanted to do that so badly since this morning, thanks princess", he said with a bit of a flirty tone. "You're tempting me, your lips are soft and sweet like honey but I guess that's all for today", he chuckled and you pulled away before stepping out of the car.

He left you flustered, his touch was enough to send chills down your spine, and his electrifying kiss made your heart flutter, you had butterflies in your stomach. You couldn't believe that he was abruptly being flirty and romantic to you. Damien walked towards the front door and the butler greeted him, you followed him closely behind. The door opened and as soon as he stepped inside the mansion, a pair of arms wrapped around his broad shoulders and a woman's voice could be heard. "There you are, what took you so long? I've been waiting for you about an hour or so but I assume you went somewhere else and spent the day with someone", she giggled. Damien just stood there, he didn't even try to push her away while you stayed behind him, his back facing you. You were caught off guard for a moment and tried to comprehend the situation. "Come on, why aren't you saying anything? I'm sorry if I came here unannounced, I visited Auntie and Uncle earlier and they asked me to stop by, I kinda missed you so I decided to agree and pay you a surprise visit, did you miss me? I bet you do", she added trying to be playful and flirty with him.

Your breath hitched back to your throat when a pair of hazel eyes met your gaze, the woman stared right back at you and a smirk appeared on her face when you acknowledged her existence. "Oh? Look who's here, good to see you again Y/n", she said sweetly, trying to act friendly with you before he flashed a fake smile with her pearly white teeth, her behavior was nauseating, to say the least, but you somehow smiled back at her.

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