Memories of the past

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The halls were filled with guests and indistinct chatter could be heard anywhere, the inside of the place was bustling with energy and enthusiasm. However, Y/n seemed to be preoccupied with something, a sudden flood of emotions and thoughts ran through your mind swiftly making you feel a bit lightheaded. You were perplexed by the situation and you're quite in distress.

As Y/n approached the table where Damien sat, your fiancé looked up, his eyes lighting up with a warm smile upon seeing you. Nevertheless, the presence of the mysterious woman beside him, sharing an intimate conversation, did not go unnoticed.

"Hey, there you are", Damien greeted, standing up to pull out a chair for Y/n. "I'd like you to meet someone. This is Clara, an old friend of mine", he said cheerfully. Clara extended a friendly hand towards Y/n, her eyes gleaming with a certain familiarity that struck a chord in Y/n's memory. With a polite smile, you shook Clara's hand, trying to conceal the subtle pang of jealousy that still lingered. "Nice to meet you, Y/n!" Clara said, her voice carrying a sense of mystery. "Damien has told me so much about you".

You smiled at her and tried to act more friendly towards Clara. "The pleasure is all mine. You looked absolutely gorgeous by the way, I love that dress it suits you", you complimented her which made her flustered at your comment, Clara thanked you for your kind words. "I think I've seen you somewhere, have we met before?", she asked as she tried to familiarize your face. "Yes, you were the one who came to visit someone at the hospital last week and you dropped a letter as well which I left at the reception area and I hoped that they returned it to you. I'm sorry for bumping into you that day", you sounded apologetic and hoped that she'd forgive you. "Right, I remember now", she said calmly with a smile plastered on her face that didn't seem to wear off anytime soon. "Don't mention it, that was an accident anyway", she said reassuringly and you nodded in agreement.

As the evening unfolded, Damien and Clara shared stories of their past, painting a picture of a deep connection that spanned years. They recounted adventures, and trials, and shared laughter that echoed with the resonance of old friendship. Y/n listened attentively, trying to push aside the nagging feeling of unease.

The atmosphere became heavier as Clara delved into the past, recounting how she and Damien were once inseparable. They had navigated the hardships of life together, facing both joy and heartbreak. The more Clara spoke, the more it became apparent that their bond ran deep, sparking a twinge of discomfort in your heart.

As the night goes on, you excused yourself once again, claiming exhaustion from the day's events. Damien seemed understanding, bidding her goodnight with a gentle kiss on the cheek. Alone in the dimly lit corridor, Y/n couldn't shake off the unsettling emotions that stirred within you.

"She seemed to be very close with Damien. I think she's the one who visited him at the hospital last week, what is she doing here anyway? This is not just a mere coincidence but I guess Clara got an invitation as well", you sighed and sounded a bit irritated about the idea of Clara stealing Damien from you and your jealousy is almost reaching its peak. "What am I saying? God, I'm sounding like an obsessed lover", you sighed and looked down at the floor. Your hands were trembling and you were constantly fidgeting your fingers as your anxiety continued to rise. "This is just a contractual marriage, right? I don't love him, that's right. I don't have feelings for him this whole thing is just a part of an act and it would be beneficial for the both of us if I played my role as per our agreement", you reminded yourself about the reason why you were here in the first place as Y/n tried to calm down.

"I don't love him", this seemed to be stuck with you as it echoed through your mind repeatedly. However, you couldn't help but envy Clara in some way and your jealousy is getting the best out of you at the moment. "If I didn't have any feelings for him...then..why do I feel empty inside? Why do I act this way? Why am I worrying too much about Clara? Am I missing out on something?", you kept asking yourself and it seemed that you wouldn't get an answer any time soon. Y/n felt conflicted and you struggled to bottle up your emotions, your reasons might be an excuse to conceal your true feelings toward Damien. You were trying your best to rationalize your behavior and there was uncertainty and hesitation as you didn't want to admit the truth at all.

"What am I supposed to do now?", you asked yourself as you let out a frustrated sigh and you watched Damien and Clara enjoying each other's company for the rest of the evening.

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