Chapter 12

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As soon as I realized I had somehow fallen into water instead of to my death on the bottom of Moria, I tried to swim straight up though it was difficult as the water was dark. That and something got wrapped around my legs and then the rest of me. Trying to break free, I used my right hand to try and break apart whatever was grabbing me which worked for a moment but then I got completely wrapped and left unable to move.

'MASTER!' Fenris' voice called out in my mind. Whatever took me dragged me through the water, only to practically throw me onto land. Rolling a couple of feet at landing, I ended upon my side against Fenris whom had summoned himself and was now guarding me with a warning growl to whatever was in the water. Catching my breath, I sat up slowly, noting I would probably have a few bruised ribs, from the way I landed and some others too. Other than that, no real damage was done.

Looking around, I think I was somewhere in the mines. The body of water I first fell into must have been just below the mines. A silhouette of some gigantic thing rose from the water, and when I made light, my eyes met huge black ones from what appeared to be some squid like being.

"Hello?" I asked merely guessing the being might be able to understand human language.

'Are you her?' a deep voice asked in my mind. It sounded old, just how I imagined an old wise man would sound like.

"Am I who?" 

'Your magic reminds me of her. However you are a mere child.' 

"Excuse me?" again with calling me a child.

'Stand up, child. Let me see.' Doing as told, worried about what would happen if I didn't, I got up. A tentacle rose and wrapped itself around me and I felt energy healing my ribs.

'Show me your magic.' I touched the tentacle, and found the one I broke to get away. Healing it.

"You are the guardian, known as the watcher, aren't you?" I asked, figuring out that this was the kraken I had read about, in one of the many books in Rivendell for my studies.

'She named me as such.' He answered.

"Who did?" I asked curious about who he had compared me with.

'Druanthys. The one protecting this realm's life from eternal darkness. You must be a descendant. Your presence means that life as it is maybe in danger. However you are useless as you are now. All you can do is child's play. Parlor tricks.'

Loud noises were heard and they were coming closer and going away. The orcs... my wolves!

'When we meet again you may prove me otherwise but you must go. Find her home in the heart of the woods called Lothlorien. There you will find many answers.'

"What about my wolves? I came to save them. They were harmed and caught as a sacrifice for some foul and evil beast in the darkest pits of these mines." I tried to turn and walk away, but a gigantic tentacle blocked my path

'You will die trying to even get near that beast. Your wolves are a lost cause.' The watcher 'spoke' ominously

"I will not leave them behind. They have been with me since before I came to this realm. I will get them back safe and sound, as they would do anything to protect me." I put my hands on the limb as if to push it away.

'You stand no chance. Perhaps you never will.' The Watcher warned. 'Warriors and wizards alike have tried to slay the Balrog only to meet their maker in its flames.'

"Then as you said I will die trying. I. Will. Not. Give. Them. UP!" I pushed but nothing happened.

"THEN PERISH WITH THEM!" He yelled and removed his arm. I walked away with Fenris guiding me in my mind.


The Watcher moved the limb he had used only to wince in pain before going back deep into the waters of his lake. 'perhaps...'

At the same time Leona snuck closer and closer to the group of orcs and after a while she could sense her missing wolves. As well as the hunger she had felt before when she passed the mines on her way to Lothlorien.

The orcs were carrying the two big lumps she recognized by the light of their torches. Walking for what seemed to have been hours, the orcs dropped the lumps like sacks full of potatoes and left like the devil was on their tails. As soon as she was able to Leona rushed to her wolves and began healing them. Skoll was done sooner as he had been hurt less. While healing Hati, Leona began feeling like something was coming. A threat. And it was a big one...

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