Chapter 6

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Godmund, told me the settlement he lived in was really just tiny town. Everyone there knew one another and helped one another to survive. The town wasn't rich, its residents were barely getting by. The richest men were a merchant that travelled to sell the crops and all the other things the town would make like cloths or jewelry. The other rich man was the leader of the town.

After the two hours of our journey, I saw the town, and even town was an exaggeration of the size. Only a handful of buildings inside the walls and maybe four farms outside.

"It really is small." I commented.

It's not much but it works. Of course, it's nothing compared to your home, my lady." He replied

"I'm sorry if I offended you." I apologized not intending to sound mean.

"Nah I'm not offended. The farm on the left is my home. Perhaps we should walk though. Your wolves might frighten the neighbors." He pointed.

I agreed and dismissed Fenris and Hati. "You did well Hati. Rest up." I told the silver-grey furred wolf. He nudged my hand for a short pet before disappearing. As we got closer to the farm, I used my gift to sense if anything bad was in the grounds, so the farm's produce isn't too good. While it could do with more nutrition, the lands were in pretty good shape. I could sense the grounds were full of life.

"Godmund, tell me about the farms?" I asked.

"I am the main crops farm but have a couple of chickens as well, Mr Aldren has chickens and sheep and a small patch for corn. Then the cattle farm belongs to the Wilkins family. They make cheese and other dairy products from goat and cow milk, and soil for us. Mrs Wilkins also has a herb garden which supplies herbs for healers and the Desmond siblings have pigs for meat and sheep as well. the four farms provide as much as we can for the town and whatever is left gets sold by Emmerson the traveling merchant." He pointed out each farm.

"What we earn, after the necessary taxes are paid, goes to whatever we need to continue taking care of the farms. It used to work just fine but lately it has become harder. The demand for food grows as the people grow their families so there is less left to sell and taxes are raised as well."

"I think I understand."

"Good we're here." He opened a small gate and let me through. He was greeted by children while a woman, his wife? was standing in the doorway watching. "FATHER! You're back!" The young boys yelled hugging their father.

"Hey. Yeah sorry I am late."

"Who's the pretty lady?" one asked.

"Yes, Godmund. Who is the pretty girl you brought?" the woman asked letting her presence be known.

"Ah Yanna, my loving gorgeous wife. This young lady is Lady Leona of Rivendell. She helped me out of trouble and decided to make sure I go home."

"Thank you, miss. Godmund is a good man, just a bit bad at making good choices sometimes."

"I gathered as much. It was no problem ma'am."

"Would you like to stay for some tea before going home? Rivendell is a fairly long trek on...bare feet... What happened to your shoes?" She gasped in shock.

"Is that your plough?" I asked changing the subject.

"That old piece of scrap yeah why?" Godmund asked.

"What's broken?" I asked walking to the tool.

"We just bought it new but, the blades on that thing just fell apart, after we used it for a mere week." They were sold a bad tool then.

"Now we have to help and plough by hand! It's so boring!" The young boys complained.

"Well then let's take a look." The plough was missing screws in important places.

"Do you have spare screws?" I asked.

"No. we don't."

"Very well." I used some of the metal crumbs in my pouches and repaired the plough in a way so the blades that dug into the ground were all one whole piece of metal. The wooden parts were rotten and the leather ropes that went around the horse were also in need of renewal so all the materials in my pouches were used but the plough was as new.

"That should do the trick."

"WITCH!" Yanna pulled her kids behind her.

"Kind of. But not an evil one. I promise I didn't come to hurt you. Your husband was caught poaching and as part of convincing me he didn't have bad intentions, he told me about your situation. I wanted to help you get a better harvest. You and your neighbors at some point later." I explained.

"Why? What do you want from us?" She asked afraid of my answer.

"Nothing other than your willingness to be respectful for what mother nature gives. Your lands are healthy and I hope you'll keep it that way. My magic let's me sense that. Hence the bare feet." I answered.

"She could've easily turned me in to the authorities or have me killed. She didn't. that has to count right?" Godmund added.

"How about I help around for one hour, if you don't like what I did I will leave and not return." I suggested.

"Mom, please? Jaelyx can pull the plough now easily. Father will be done faster now so we can eat together again." The boys pleaded

"Fine. One hour." She agreed.

"Thank you for allowing me to help. Now, what else seems to be the problem with your farming?" I asked.

"Our crops are slowly shrinking in weight and size." Yanna answered. I closed my eyes to concentrate.

"Ah... let me... see...AH! You need calcium. Which is an important part of nutrition for the soil, as it helps the plants to grow stronger, therefore able to grow bigger. To achieve this you'll need bonemeal mixed into your fertilizer. So whenever you are eating meat or fish, save the bones, turn them into powder and mix that powder into your fertilizer. One cup per plot should do the trick for now. after this harvest half a cup should be enough to keep up."  I explained.

"Does it matter which animal the bones come from?" One of the boys asked.

"No. Why?" I asked them.

"Our dog died three days ago. He loved walking around on the lands as we worked and his body is just in the corner. over there under the blanket. Can we put him in the lands he loved?" Smart kids. I nodded with a smile. 
Next chapter time will be skipped a couple of months to progress with my plans for this story. I won't say much about my plans except for that Leona meeting a certain someone fairly soon.

Let me know what you think so far and any theories you may have and have a nice week!!

The Alchemist: Journey of Truths (slow updates)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن