The Quiet Undead Part 2

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Everyone gathered into the Living room, all sitting at the round table. Laura had taken the spot to the left of Gwyneth and beside Charlie. Hoping that she could comfort them both somehow. The Doctor had taken Gwyneth's right side, Mr. Sneed sitting between him and Rose. Leaving an empty chair beside Laura for Charles, if he ever stopped pacing.

"This is how Madam Mortlock summons those from the Land of Mists, down in ButeTown." Gwyneth said as they all sat, except Charles. "Come, we must all join hands."

"I can't take part in this." Charles threatened as he headed for the door.

"Humbug?" Laura asked, offering her hand to the man. "Come on, open mind. I know it's scary, but think of all the things you can learn."

He looked at her hand for a moment, clearly thinking about it. "This is precisely the sort of cheap mummery I strive to unmask. Seances? Nothing but luminous tambourines and a squeeze box concealed between the knees. This girl knows nothing."

"Dinnae insults Miss Gwyneth. Just because yer learning something new, doesn't mean that anyone who knows more is wrong. Now sit down, yer making me nervous with all yer pacin'." Laura held her hand out once again, but the man just continued to pace.

"I love a happy medium." The Doctor said giddley, grinning at Rose and Laura.

"I can't believe you just said that." Rose laughed at him when he waggled his eyebrows at her making her laugh harder. Laura just rolled her eyes at the two.

"Come on," The Doctor said seriously. "Take Laura's lovely hand and sit down, we might need you."

Charles glares at the Doctor for a moment, then looks to Laura's outstretched hand suspiciously. Finally he sighs and takes Laura's hand, sitting down between Laura and Rose.

"Good man. Now, Gwyneth, reach out."

Gwyneth nodded, though she looked a little scared. Laura squeezed her hand and the girl smiled at her. Thankful that Laura didn't blame her for scaring her. She smiled at Laura then looked at the ceiling.

"Speak to us. Are you there? Spirits, come. Speak to us that we may relieve your burden."

Laura felt a tugging in the back of her mind as whispering started filling the room, making the inhabitants look at each other. Laura took a glance at Charles next to her, seeing him stare with an open mouth as he heard the whispers.

"Can you hear that?" Laura asks him.

"Nothing can happen." He said, quickly shaking his head in disbelief. "This is sheer folly."

"Look at her." Laura told him gently. He looked at Gwyneth who was now surrounded with the whispers, seemingly overtaken by them. "I see them. I feel them."

Tendrils of gas fills the room and swirls around them, coming to rest behind Gwyneth.

"What's it saying?" Rose asked.

"They can't get through the rift." Laura said she could hear the whispers clearly. She felt like she was near a trance, but not quite taken. It felt like that moment right before you fall asleep, when your brain gets warmly fuzzy and you relax. "Gwyneth, it's not controlling you, yer controlling it. Now, look deep. Allow 'em through."

"I can't!" She cried, Laura could feel how scared she was.

"Yes, you can." Laura told her, squeezing her hand. "Yes yah can. Just believe it. I have faith in yah, Gwyneth. Make the link."

Gwyneth squeezed her hand back for a moment, then her head fell back further. " Yes." She whispered as the gas took humanoid shapes behind Gwyneth.

"Great God! Spirits from the other side." Mr. Sneed said.

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