War Torn and Distant Memories

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He had spent so many years fighting alone. He just wanted it to stop.

It would not stop. It just would not stop. No matter what he did the voices kept going. In his head, day and night, unrelenting. They were all telling him the same thing, one message.

Thousands of years he did nothing but fight.

Years and years of pain, torture, destruction, and fear. So much fear. He didn't think that he could feel real fear anymore.

Anything that he felt now was just an amalgam of misery and pain. Anything new was just muted behind the intense feelings of dread of having to stay on alert for so long. Not having the change to rest for even a moment.

He was a zombie, he didn't -and couldn't- keep count of how many of those bloody Daleks he had killed. It didn't matter, seeing as how they kept multiplying and reappearing strong as before. Killing hundreds of his people, his kind, every day.

The council has transformed into a group of people with disgusting morals. All of them not caring how many citizens they lost, just caring that the council still stood.

He had made a choice. His people; his friends, family, and her...

Or the rest of the universe.

It all fell to him. It was his choice.

It wasn't fair, it wasn't fair that the fate of the universe rested on him. But someone had to do it. So he chose. He chose the rest of the universe.

He burned his planet so that everyone could live, and they would never know. They would never know that a man had sacrificed his everything to save them.

The Doctor- no, that wasn't him anymore. That man died many many years ago. War-torn and on the field of battle. He didn't know what his name was, or who he was. But it wasn't a name that carried the meaning of hope and healing.

The only thing that drove him to carry on was a melody. A simple melody, but it spoke to the remnants of his soul. And a message that was imprinted in his mind since the first day of this bloody war.


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