Yandere! Nagi x Reader

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True Love Restraint 

Hey guys this was requested by @Otakusforlife so I'm happy to write this for you. To keep from repeating the same situation for yandere personalities, I am doing a songfic for this one. The song is called...... True Love Restraint. Big surprise. It's sung by Kagamine Len and I'll put the song in the media if you want to hear it. Now then, I hope you enjoy it...

~Fab Chi

An  uncontrollable urge

I want you only to myself

You, my love

You belong to me 

The HEAVENS had just finished a concert for an adoring  audience and were returning backstage. A (H/C) haired approaches the group and gives Eiichi a kiss. He smiles and kisses her back. 

Unknown to the couple, Nagi watched the two with a disgust. Oh how he loved her and hated his band mate for stealing he from him. The shota had been in love with her first and desired her for himself.

What do you want?

You want to be loved, don't you?

Well, you'll be happy if you were loved by me

Am I wrong?

Nagi quickly walk back the room where he had seen Eiichi making out with another girl. 'WHAT ABOUT (Y/N)?!?!' He wanted to yell at his dumb friend. She was in love with Eiichi, Nagi knew that. However, it became so painfully obvious to Nagi that it wasn't the same for Eiichi.

He was toying with her. Sweet beautiful caring (Y/N). She deserved better.

She deserved a guy like Nagi.

Why don't I rip off your lips right now

So you can't kiss anyone but me, okay?

He really couldn't stand it. Watching as (Y/N) kisses Eiichi on the same lips that he kissed that bitch. He had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from saying anything to her. He didn't want to break her heart.

He ends up tasting blood in his mouth as he bites too hard and he has to turn away from the couple.

Hurry up and answer the question

Who the hell do you love?

Isn't it me? It is me, right?

It's impossible for it to be anyone else

Why can't you tell me?

Is there another man you're thinking of?

Oh, right. There aren't any, are there?

'I love (Y/N) so much, why can't she see it?' Nagi thought as he watched her follow Eiichi around like a puppy seeking attention. Of course, as usual Eiichi was ignoring her, favoring his work instead.

She was in love with Eiichi and Nagi's in love with her.

Come on, say you love me.


You should only look at me

You are the only one for me

That's why-

Why don't I gouge your eyes out

An image of me in your heart will be enough for you, right?

She never saw it. Nagi's love and Eiichi's cheating. She saw none of it.

And so Nagi made a decision. He was going to make her see. He would expose him to allow her to be happy, even if it means her heart gets broken.

Can't you answer me?

Who is it you love?

Isn't it me? It is me, right?

You know I don't approve of anyone else

What's keeping you from answering?

(Y/N) glanced down at her phone again. There was another picture from a private number. She hesitantly opens the picture, scared after what she has seen from the other pictures sent to her. 

Again, there was a picture of Eiichi with another girl. It was funny how it wasn't even the same girl in each picture, she thought ironically. She could feel her heart softly breaking.

Nagi heard a soft strangled noise escape (Y/N)'s lips as she looked at the picture he had sent on a separate cell phone.

Those other guys just get in the way

All of them, all of them,


I'll erase them all

Nagi could heard the shouting of Eiichi and (Y/N). She sounded angry and heartbroken and he had his usual tone of disinterest that always seemed to have with her.

"What are these pictures, Eiichi?"

"They are fakes, that's what they are."

"They don't look like fakes. So would you please explain it to me?"

"Like I said, they are fakes-."

"DON'T YOU DARE THEY ARE FAKES, OTORI EIICHI. I KNOW YOU AND THAT'S NOT FAKE." She says raising her voice before storming out. 

See it's all okay now, so tell me how you feel



Let's stay this way forever

Hey~ Hey~ Hey~

Where do you think you're going?

Before (Y/N) could leave, Nagi caught her arm. When he looked into her eyes, he could see the tears forming in her eyes. He pulled her towards him and hugged her tight in an attempt to comfort her.

"I love you, (Y/N). I could treat you so much better than, Eiichi. I could protect you." He whispers into her ear and he feels her melt into the hug a little as she softly sobs.

Don't leave me ever again, alright?

If I kill you right here

Maybe you can be mine alone

That would make me truly happy

Because I love you more than 


"I will protect you at all costs (Y/N), even if I have to kill them." Nagi says, his voice taking a dark tone that causes (Y/N) to stiffen. "All you have to do is love me, okay (Y/N)?"

Well then, that's done. My first songfic ever is done. Also, anyone notice that this isn't my usual point of view, I usually write in second person but today  I chose to write in third person. I hope you all enjoyed this and I'm sorry that I haven't updated in a long while.

~Fab Chi

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