Tokiya x Reader

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Singing Passion

Hey guys, this is my first UtaPri oneshot. I orginally wrote this for one of my friends that I have written oneshots for in the past. She is a photographer so I thought I'd use that to my advantage. So I hope you all like.

~Fab Chi

The shoot was all ready to go, all that was missing was the model. You were particularly excited that you were the photographer for this job. When you heard that he would be the model, you had to have it.

Ichinose Tokiya, former singer as Hayato and now member of STARISH. He kept a calm demeanor on the outside but when he sang, you could just see the passion in his eyes. No matter how callous he seemed to the press, he always warmed your heart with his voice.

The only problem, he had not shown yet for the shoot, and it had already been an hour.

Suddenly, a cold breeze blew through the studio when the door opens. A slightly snowy idol and manager enter the studio and Tokiya immediately goes to get ready.

His manager rushed over to you, dusting off snow as he went. "I'm so sorry we are late, (Y/N)san. The cold weather caused a wreck on our way here." He says, cheeks red from the cold.

"Oh my god, you guys aren't hurt are you?" You say concerned.

"Oh we are fine, we weren't the ones in the wreck, it just stopped traffic for a good while." The manager assured you and smiles warmly.

Tokiya came out of the dressing room, ready to go. He wore just a light makeup that didn't hide his beauty but enhanced it. You were awe-struck, you couldn't believe that you were getting to work with him.

His outfit was made up of gray pants with a white belt, a white shirt and a black jacket. The jacket had a purple rose in the pocket. The outfit suit him well and fit him nicely.

He quickly went over to the area in which he would be modeling in and you got your camera ready. "Okay, let's do this!! Okay, I want you to take a pose that's natural for you." You instruct.

After a few hours of working, they take a break and you looks through your picture that you had taken. They were good, sexy even, but they were missing something. They were missing passion.

"Um, Tokiya, can I speak with you?" You called and the idol walks over.

"Is there a problem, Miss......" Tokiya asks but trails off at the end, somewhat ashamed that he didn't know your name.

"Oh, I'm (L/N) (F/N), I should have introduced myself before we start. It was my fault, my bad." You reply frantically, you had just been so busy with getting started that you never did introduce yourself.

"Okay then, (Y/N), what's the problem?" Tokiya says, a brief smile across his face that made your heart soar.

"Well, I was just wondering, do you enjoy doing this?" You asked, not completely sure how to ask straight forward.

"That's a strange question, I enjoy singing and performing. As for modeling, that's a little more complicated......" He trailed off at the end again.

You got a good idea, one that seemed only for personal gain but was good nonetheless. "I have an idea, how about you sing a song while I take your picture?"

He looked at you strangely," um, okay."

He went back to set and began to sing his song, BELIEVE☆MY VOICE.

It took you a moment to get over having him sing for you. Once you snapped out of it, you snapped pictures like mad.

In the end, Tokiya ended up several songs and you got some great photos.

"These are amazing, thank you so much Tokiya." You smile, a sweet smile that could melt the hearts of many.

"You're welcome, I'm glad that you were able to get good shots," Tokiya says, and his heart seemed to race at your smile.

"I'm so happy I got to hear you sing, I'm a huge fan really. I was excited to do this job when I heard that you would be the model, oh god I'm rambling aren't I?" You say quickly without a breath in between.

"It's fine, I enjoy hearing that you're a fan," he says.

You squeal a little and give him a hug in your excitement. "Thank you Tokiya."

He doesn't flinch in your hug, and even pats your back. "You're welcome (Y/N), I'm glad I got to meet you today."

So did you like it? I'm sorry if the character isn't right but this was my first UtaPri oneshot I've ever written. Alright thanks for reading ^_^

~Fab Chi

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