Incorrect Quotes 14

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Kyoko: Celestia Junko I need you two to come with me

Celestia: For what dear

Kyoko: I need you to come with me to see my therapist,they think I'm making up how you act

Junko: Huh?! Therapist? Since when have you gone to therapy?

Kyoko: The moment I knew you two fully I went to therapy two times a month

Kyoko: But now that we're dating it's two times a week

Junko: Oh come on I'm sure we're not that bad

Kyoko: Everytime I look away or leave you two or one of you alone not even for 5 minutes something is destroyed,
someone is hurt,yall in jail or all three!

Celestia: Kyoko your being alittle paranoid now

Junko: Yeah name one example where all that stuff happens

Kyoko: I do you one better

Kyoko leaves them alone for 5 minutes then comes back,the room is now destroyed,a half of the class is hurt and......

Junko: Hey Kyoko my wonderful girlfriend can you spare some money to bail us out of jail? Please

Therapist:........Kyoko I'm so sorry that I didn't believe you

Kyoko: It's fine what do you two think?

Celestia & Junko who is sitting next to Kyoko:....Atleast you know that we're real now

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