Chapter 28 / New beginnings

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Thorfinn and Gudrid had gone to search for Sigurd amongst the injured, but hadn't found him there. Part of them were happy to know that Sigurd was conscious and healing, but it was also worrying, because it meant if Thorfinn couldn't change his mind, Gudrid would be leaving very soon. Maybe even that day.

So they asked around, and found out that Sigurd had been gifted a new ship so he could travel home. Thorfinn thought that that was good, it was the least they could do for him after all Sigurd had done for Thorkell's army.

They were pointed in the directed that his ship was morred, and there they found him, twirling a flask of what was probably some sort of liquor, and watching his servants prepare the ship.

As they approached Gudrid looked at Thorfinn, and he smiled.

They didn't need to open their mouths before Sigurd heard them and turned slight to watch them approach. He sighed, looking very tired suddenly, and put his flask down.

"What do you two want here?" Sigurd asked, staring at them through narrowed eyes.

Thorfinn and Gudrid was confused. Was he talking to both of them? Thorfinn wasn't supposed to be there, but Gudrid was, wasn't she?

"Sigurd" Thorfinn stepped forward. "First of all, I must apologize for your injuries. This war war waged partially because of me, so I will take some of the blame for what happened to you"

Sigurd scoffed. Thorfinn was really annoyingly kind.

"That's not why you're here"

"No..." Thorfinn shook his head. "Sigurd, I want to know if he can find some sort of compromise, so that Gudrid won't have to go back with you"

"You have nothing of value to me" Sigurd told Thorfinn blandly, and Thorfinn sighed.

Sigurd was right of course, Thorfinn had nothing to give in exchange. Money didn't matter to Sigurd, he was the son of Halfdan after all. All he had was his voice, and he was gonna try and change his mind. There had to be something he could say. Maybe he should speak to his conscience. Make him feel bad...

Thorfinn opened his mouth again, but Sigurd was apparently not done.

"And she doesn't either"

Thorfinn blinked, looking over his shoulder to where Sigurd was suddenly pointing, and of course he pointed at Gudrid, who stiffened up under Sigurd's stare, before it quickly flickered back to stare at Thorfinn.

"What do you mean?" Thorfinn asked, more confused than anything else.

"She is not fit to be a wife of Halfan's son, Sigurd!" Sigurd began, raising his voice more than he needed to. "She cannot cook, she cannot make embroidery, she looks terrible with such short hair, it's shameful, completely unladylike."

Tears of embarrassment gathered in Gudrid's eyes. Thorfinn should have probably defended the woman he loved, but he felt that it was best to stay quiet. Sigurd was up to something.

"And worst of all..." Sigurd sighed. "She is in love with another man"

And there it was. The reason.

"Wait, how do you know that?" Gudrid blushed. "Do tell me... you were eavesdropping on us?! Thats low"

Thorfinn had known that someone was there. He could sense them, but they hadn't seemed a threat so he hadn't reacted to them. So that was Sigurd and his servants. He was not all that surprised by that revelation.

Sigurd ignored Gudrid's accusation and insult, contuining, "It is simply too embarrassing and complicated to be married to a woman like her. You're free to take her"

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