Chapter 9: The Beginning

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You sit in the back of the ambulance as a paramedic tends to your leg, feeling like a prisoner. They've locked you away while Beyond Birthday is taken care of.

You need stitches, which on a normal occasion would've had you groaning and squirming from the needle tugging and penetrating your flesh, but now all you feel is a sort of numbness. The paramedic rolls up your pants, beginning the process. You sit very still on the gurney and even though the paramedic talks gently to you, you don't hear a word he says.

Nobody will tell you the cause of deaths for your family. It makes you sick to your stomach.

The paramedic says something else as he wraps up the wound in gauze, standing up. As he exits, he shuts the doors behind him. You hear a firm click.

You immediately stand, grasping at the door handles. Locked. You didn't even know that ambulances could lock from the outside. Or maybe this one is just a special one.

You look around the cramped space. Medical supplies line the walls. For a second, you consider destroying the place. Near would pay for it all anyway. However, the anger is fading and you sink deeper and deeper into pure apathy. You can't be bothered to do anything, so you lay down on the gurney and close your eyes.

You pretend that you don't exist and for a few minutes it's peaceful. That is, until your meditation is interrupted by a rustling noise. You scrunch up your face, keeping your eyes closed as you try to pinpoint the noise. Could there be a mouse in here?

As the noise gets louder, you sigh, finally sitting up to get a look at where the noise is coming from. As you do, you freeze.

A monster.

That is the only thing that comes to mind as you see the large creature poking through the medical supplies.

It's beady eyes are trained on the cabinet, grotesque jaw flexing absently. It's searching for something in the cabinet.

You stumble off the gurney, trying to remain silent as you back towards the door. It's eyes flick towards you and you panic, turning to bang on the door.

"Let me out!" You scream. "There's a monster!"

Either no one hears you or they think you're still manic.

No one comes.

You press yourself against the door, horrified.

The creature's wide, toothy grin remains unchanged. It seems to be the only expression it can bear.

It's raspy voice imitates human speech, "Where the hell can a guy get an apple around here?"

You watch the creature close the cabinet, neck twisting to get a look at you. It cracks and snaps as he moves, making you feel sick to your stomach.

"This is what I missed the end of Kira for?" He sounds disappointed. "A girl?"

"What do you mean by that?" You demand, attempting to make your voice sound strong.

The creature laughs, neck snapping back upright. "Surely you couldn't have missed the biggest human genocide of the millennia."

"I know who Kira is." You snap back at it. "What does that have to do with you?"

It's unblinking eyes stare you down. "How boring. Other humans I've known would've figured that out already... and here Light was promising me that this would be exciting-"


"Perhaps I've said too much." The creature goes back to searching through the cabinets. "That notebook you acquired, perhaps you should take a closer look."

Stolen (Mello X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now