Chapter EIGHT

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Things are getting serious now that Mr.Parker was gone. Will Annie be able to defend herself?

Thank you for reading me and please, comment and vote!


The first stop we made, was to put gas in the car. The gas station we stopped at was empty. I quickly filled up the car and left. I didn't even dare going in to pay, I remembered too well what had happened last time, with Mr. Parker.

We were close to Philadelphia, but I had no desire to drive through it. Unfortunately, I took a wrong turn and I end up in the heart of the city anyway.

As we approached what would have been a busy highway, I started to have sweaty hands. I made sure that the doors were locked as we were zigzagging between abandoned cars. I couldn't believe the desolation that was right in front of me. I quickly looked at Elliott and was relieved that he was reading one of his book and not paying attention to his surrounding.

The sun was in my eyes and I wasn't driving as quickly as I wanted. I thought I saw zombies behind some cars, but I couldn't be sure.

What I was sure of, was that the shotgun was loaded on my lap and the pistol was on the dashboard, ready to use.

After driving an hour, I stopped in the middle of a crossroad. I had to take the map to make sure I was in the right direction.

As I was examining the map, a zombie approached the car and hit the door window that was behind me. I jumped and grabbed the shotgun, ready to fire. I heard Elliott scream's as another zombie was at his window. His screams were piercing my soul and I was really afraid that I couldn't protect him.

The zombie behind me was still hitting the glass and my brain couldn't decide between going forward with the car, or ripping his head off.

The glass finally broke and I had no choice. The car was now surrounded by zombies and if I didn't leave NOW, I would never get the chance to do so.

"Close your eyes Elliott and stop screaming, baby!" I screamed at Elliott. But of course he didn't listen to me. He was just a baby.

The hand and arm of the zombie was now in the car, trying to touch me, to grab me. I pressed on the accelerator and the car went forward for a few feet, but the zombie had grab my ponytail and still wouldn't let go. The fucker wouldn't let go of my hair. The car was now stopped and without any hesitation, which surprised me, I took the shotgun and, luck of the beginner, I shot the bastard in the face. Nothing was holding me back anymore.

My feet went down on the accelerator and I didn't know where I was going, but I was leaving this place. I just hoped that I wouldn't get lost again.

Elliott was still crying and I sang to him, hoping that hearing his favorite nursery rhymes would calm him down.

It took him half an hour to stop crying. He was still hip cupping, probably traumatized for the rest of his life.

"I'm sorry baby. Mommy is so sorry." He looked at me with such a serious air that my heart squeezed a little. Where did the world had gone so I had to use a shotgun to be able to protect my son?

"Mommy, El scared." He said with his little lisp. I couldn't stop the car, I didn't dare to stop the car but I hoped that he could feel all the love I had for him.

"I know El. We have to be careful. now. Things have changed. But I still love you like before, monkey," I added with a smile. He didn't smile me back, but he extended his little hand towards me.

We left Philadelphia like that. Me holding his hand with one hand and with the other, I was driving. I couldn't feel my arm anymore, but I didn't care.


I want to know... are you disappointed in Annie? The future (next chapter) will let you know how Annie can act and react when facing face to face danger.... human and zombie!!!!


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