Chapter 1

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Chapter One

I heard the car coming in as the baby started to cry. Everyday, it was the same story. My mother and law would come in and pick the baby up for the afternoon so I could work a little bit without being distracted. The trouble was that Elliot didn't like her. Couldn't blame the boy. That woman had an anxiety problem, was hypochondriac and suffered from the victim syndrome to top it all. The only reason I was still talking to her was because I needed her. Certainly not for her good manners.

I grabbed Elliott from the kitchen floor and perched him on my hip. I walked through the living room to open the front door so I could drop the baby in the witch... (Oups, slip of the tongue. Freudian you think?) I mean in Moira, a.k.a grandmas arms so I could finish to write the instructions for a blow dryer. Hey, it was the only job that let me work from home and make a decent living. That's the kind of job you find when your loser husband gets you pregnant and then leave you for greener pastures.

It wasn't Moira at the door though. A tall man was standing on the porch. I stepped back in surprise because it was the ugliest man I had ever seen. He had a bad comb-over hiding a bald spot covered with age spots and his face was asymmetrical, with one eye much lower than the other. His big noise covered by rosacea. I was so hypothesized by his face that I missed what he said.

"Ms.Walter?" he asked with a raspy voice.

My hold on Elliott got tighter before answering him. Dang, where those flies coming from? I swatted my hand in front of my face, trying to disperse them.

"Yes, it's me. Who are you?" When you were a single mom, you quickly learned to go straight to the point because you never knew when the baby would start, or continue, a completely meltdown.

"You have to follow me, Ms., " he said with with his hand showing the street.

"Yeah, well, no." Another coucou, I thought to myself, closing the door.

With a surprising strength for an old and frail man like he was, he grabbed the door and pushed it back open.

"I don't think you understand, Ms. Walter. They are coming."

"Listen, Mr. whats-your-name, I don't know you and I don't know what you want. But if you are not gone by the time I count to 10, I'm going to call the police. Understand ?"

The man sighed and dragged a hand in his head.

"Fine, Ms. Do it your way while you still can. I will wait for you in the car. You'll see soon enough why you have to leave."

And with these words, he nodded his head in my direction and turned around. I looked in the street and the only unknown car that I saw was an old model of a Volkswagen that had obviously seen better day. I doubted very much him, or any other man for that matter, would use it as their personal car. But I was wrong. He went into it willingly. Not the kind of car I expected an old man to drive.

I waited until he was into his car before closing the door. I bumped it with my hip to make sure it was closed before I put the lock and after a second, I put the deadlock too. I wasn't taking any chances. That man had obviously some loose screws even he looked innocent.

But I knew better. I went into the kitchen to take the phone to call 911. The last thing I needed was to deal with Moira coming in to pick up Elliot and imagining that a sex offender/murderer waiting in his car in front of my door. But before I could dial 911, the phone rang. I took the call, Elliott still on my hip. He was very comfortable there, playing with my ponytail.

"Annie?" It was Moira and she didn't sound right. "Annie, you have to open your tv and watch the emergency newscast." She was out of breath and for once, she sounded as if something was really wrong.

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