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This takes back all the way back in the moon revolution.

Io, Callisto, and Triton (along with the moons of Neptune) they all were heading to the asteroid belt, where they could meet the rest of the moons who also agree on the revolution thingy.

Triton, on the other hand, didn't care about the revolution.. he wanted time for himself since he's obviously tired of taking care of little moons that have no idea what is going on.

He was just gonna go there and drop off the kids. That's all. (not all bozo)

When they all arrived at the asteroid belt and met up with the rest of the people, Triton was behind Callisto and Io. Their tall bodies covering himself, nobody actually even noticed Triton was even here-

Ganymede was chilling. He was just listening to his so-called girlfriend, being proud that she has an army of moons ready to attack Earth.

Since everyone was introducing the Moons of the Other Planets, Callisto and Io moved away. Letting everyone notice Triton and the other moons of Neptune.

This honestly caught the eye of Ganymede.

'OH MY GOD, HE HAS A FAT ASS.' Ganymede thought to himself when he looked at Triton up and down. But he was actually looking at Tritons bum more often.

He was about to drool from looking at that ass until his "girlfriend" noticed he was looking at Triton too much. She noticed that big ass that Triton had, and she got mad. She was about to go ballistic.

Triton had no idea he was about to fight with a girl all because GANYMEDE had to look at his ass.

Europa gets an asteroid in her hand, and she watches every move that Triton does. She's about to hit him hard.
Ganymede noticed, and he grabbed her hand that contained the asteroid.

"Europa stop. Why are you launching asteroids at that moon? Are you jealous..." Ganymede says, raising his brow at Europa.

"Either you let me hit him or were breaking up." Europa looks at him seriously.

"You're kidding."

This is part one, guys...

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