Silent treatment PT2

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"Theodore look at my while I'm speaking"
No response
"Theodore!!! You fucking twat why don't you listen!!!" I yell getting frustrated he's been ignoring me all damn day!! And it's getting on my nerves!!
Lord am I going to murder bellatrix

"Find then stay fucking silent...pussy" I say walking off disgusted with his actions. As I immediately head towards the girl's dormitory's. I will find this bitch.


"Bellatrix" I say walking up to her as he turns around smirking. "Having trouble in paradise??" She said in a smug manner as I punch her across the cheek stumbling back from my force.

"SHE HIT ME SHE HIT ME-" she crys out hoping to grab someone's attention as I hold her mouth dragging her into a bathroom as I silence the room locking the door.

"I warned you." I simply say as I pin her against the wall chocking her as she gasps for air. "You are pretty pathetic aren't you?? Trying to take away my people. god your a idiot if you thought I would do shit" I simply say squeezing harder on her neck as he hands fly up towards my hands trying to pry them off.

I slap her. How dare she even try "You listen to me. Do you understand??" I say as I gently let go of her neck slightly letting her speak. "Y-your pathetic" hearing those words I snap putting my hand on her head banging it against the wall harshly as I let go her falling to my feet. This is amusing.

"Do you understand" I say again as she gasps for air and she is finally given it. "Y-es" she quietly says her not even looking at me.

"Sorry I didn't quite hear you" I grin

"Yes Sephora" she says more loudly. That's more like it. I smirk watching her bellow me staring at the ground processing what had just happened.

"Alohamora!!" I hear from outside the door as I continue staring at Bella smirking.

"What did you do"


"This doesn't look like nothing."
I sigh. Jesus Tom why are you even here. He walks over next to me kneeling down to Bella's level as I watch in awe. seeing those two bellow me gives me joy. He starts whispering in her ear low enough I can't hear.

"I don't like secrets being kept" I say staring at the two. "I- uhh he said if I was hurt" I smile knowing she got the message. "Good job Bella" I say praising her for listerning as Tom stand up turning around to face me.

"What did you do Sephora" he says my name rolling out of his tongue smoothly. Heavenly even.
"Nothing right Bella??" I question her looking down at her as toms eyes are fixed onto me.

"T-that's right" she says shaking in fear. I smile praising her again.

As I stare down at Bella I suddenly get shoved against the wall a hand around my throat as if it was a necklace.

"Tom stop!!" I hear Bella yell out as he squeezes harder on my neck. I don't bother giving him the joy of me gasping for air so I simply hold it.

"Why should I love she hurt you didnt she. You wouldn't be acting like this is she didn't do something" he says pointing his want at my neck as I finally start struggling to breath. Twat.

"No I swear Tom she didn't we were only talking things out" she insisted as Tom looks over to her as she caught him off guard. I knee him in the crotch as he falls back in pain.

"I would believe your little girlfriend if I were you riddle" I step over him walking out the room as Bella rushes to my side leaving him.


I walk in the boy's dormantry seeing Theodore and Lorenzo sitting on a bed chatting.
"Whatever bella did it's dealt with" I say as they turn there heads to me before going back to there conversation.

"FUCKING LISTEN" I yell silencing the room as there heads snap towards me scared. "Ask her yourself we're in good terms" I say calming down as they look like I had killed there entire family.

"It's not her fault Sephora" Lorenzo finally says looking down.

Are they still going to give me the silent treatment.

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