Chapter 6: Landing

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BOOM! The world started shaking so violently that I thought that a pit to Hell had opened up. Everything went dark for a second and then a felt a sharp stinging pain in my chest. My ears were ringing like crazy when I finally opened my eyes. It was really blurry, and when I looked down, I was bleeding everywhere. "Erica?" I said slightly disoriented as I tried to stand up and promptly fell back down. "Huh?" I grunted while I heard some distant running in the background as my vision started to fade in and out. Mike and Zoe were staring over me with Erica. "Start Compressions!" I heard Erica yell as she got out something from her pocket. As soon as Mike touched me, I felt like a sledgehammer was smashing into my chest. I started coughing uncontrollably, hacking up blood. "Stop!" Erica said while taking out a plier thing. "Agh!" My hearing started getting more and more distorted while Erica tried pulling stuff from out of me. Everything went black when she tugged on a hard piece. I slowly came back to consciousness as Mike threw some more wine on me. "Stay with me man" Mike said while Erica was still working on me. I'm not sure how much longer I can hold on, I say to myself. It's getting harder and harder every time Erica tugs on my chest. My grip on reality is slowly getting looser and looser as I start drifting off to a different world. "Stay with us, one last piece to go!" Erica yells into my ears , so I actually hear it. I tried to look up at her, but as soon as she tugged for the final time, everything went black. Everything disappeared as I faded away, mabey for the last time.

Erica's POV

"Ben. Ben! Stay with us!" I yelled as I checked his pulse. Gone. A wave of fear rushed over me as I did it. "Land this plane now!" I yelled at dad for the 3rd time. "Ben, please! Please!" I found myself saying over and over again. I had to bandage him up and wake him. I had to! I took out the bandages and quickly wrapped up Ben's body. "Zoe, get some more wine!" I said anxiously. Zoe ran over as fast as he could and poured an entire bottle all over Ben. Nothing. Not even a flinch. There must be something anything. Then I saw it, a damaged phone next to the bar. This just might work, I said to myself. I ripped out the phone from the cord, which was surprisingly long, and tore out a price of metal from it. "Do we have actual water" I asked Mike in a hurry. "Yeah, a little bit, I drank most of it on the flight," Mike said while trying CPR on Ben. "Give me it." Mike grabbed the bottle and threw it over to me. "Bring Ben over, quick!" I said trying not to lose any time. I poured water all over Ben and connected the wire to the metal piece. "I hope this works" I said desperately as I dropped the contraption onto Ben's chest.



"Huh!" Ben gasped, grasping for air. "Oh, Ben!" I said excitedly as I sat him up against the wall.

Ben's POV

"What happened?" I said still disoriented. "You flatlined for a bit" Mike said trying to clean me up. "Yeah, we had to make a defibrillator to get you back" Zoe said. " "Thank you guys, but what happened before hand" I said trying not to cough all over Mike. "We'll talk about it later once we get to base, it should only be about 20 minutes away now. Until then, you should rest" Erica said trying to keep her cool after what had happened.

We landed after precisely 22 minutes and 24 seconds (not much to do while resting but count) and we drove over to an old hotel that looked like it could barely stay up. The door was creaky as I limped my way through, thou, I had to stagger behind anyway to avoid the front desk from seeing my chest. "3 rooms for me and my children please" Alexander said walking up to the dest, blocking me from view. "And how many people" the person said behind the counter. "Only five, can you make two of the rooms two bed too." "Sure, here are the room keys, and breakfast ends at eght." "Thanks, come along now children" Alexander said helping Erica get up the stairs. I put my suitcase in front of my chest and slowly walked up the stairs to our new rooms. The walkway was dirty and dusty I noticed as  I limped into my new room. Everyone else had followed me in there to try to make plans and help me a bit more.

"Alright, there was a couple big pieces of metal in your chest from the explosion but all of it's gone now" Erica said turning into a doctor. "Thank you guys, it means a lot that you did that" I said sincerely. I mean, I would be dead without them. "It was nothing, now lets form some plans" Mike said.  "Well, yeah, did they give you any extra information" Zoe said looking at Alexander. "No, not really. They just said patrol until you find a trace of SPYDER." "Well that's informative" I said sarcastically. "I call ground agent" Zoe said putting her hand up excitedly. "Me too!" Mike said also putting his hand up. "This isn't a game guys" Erica scoffed as I awkwardly also raised my hand and said "Me three." Erica rolled her eyes but except the job of keeping watch and digging online.

"What time is it anyways, I was a bit disoriented during the flight." "It's about 4" Alexander said looking at his watch. "Great" I said under my breath, feeling extremely exhausted. "So lets start guys, here take these" Alexander said handing out earpieces. "Mike, checkout the left side and Zoe, check out the right side." "Umm... dad the parts of town are cal-" "Not now sweetie. Ben, stay here with Erica until you get better and Erica, try to dig up some information about an algorithm or why hey would be in London." Erica rolled her eyes instead of finishing her correction and rolled herself over to her laptop. The rest of the gang left with a good bye and it was just me and Erica left.

I groaned as I picked up a chair and walked over to the hotels desk. "So what do we do first, I haven't taken computer 101 yet." "Oh, well we have to first check that radio broadcast again and check if anything else was hidden in there. They must have planted this evidence." "It sounded real to me" I said confused. Erica looked at me like I was dumb, good old Erica. "They couldn't have  intercepted our plane without letting this slip on purpose." "Oh" I said, when something started nagging at me. I don't what it is, but something felt off.

We search the audio file for what felt like HOURS, even though it was only forty minutes. Eventually I decided to rest after I realised that I am kind of useless with there being 1 laptop. I dreamt of Big Ben and a bunch of other landmarks. I dreamt of Erica being there right beside me............ when the bombs dropped. I woke up in a panic sweat and jumped up, immediately regretting it with my burning ribs. I knew what I was doing was wrong, but I needed to do it for Erica. Wrong. Something was still nagging at me, but I didn't really have time to think about it now. "..Okay.....Got it.....On my way now....Love you...bye." "Love you? She doesn't even like her dad." I thought to myself as I slowly rised up again, making sure not to hurt myself this time.

"Oh, hey sleepy head. I didn't know you were up" Erica said surprisingly cheerful. "Yep, still a bit tired" I said as cheerfully as possible, though, it came out grumbly. "Well that's great then, let's get you some fresh air. There's someone that we need to meet." "Who is it?" I said getting out of bed, still groggy. "You'll see" Erica said playfully as she wheeled out the door.

It was dark outside now and I suspected it was around 7 O'clock. Like Erica said, the fresh air was good for me but I still wondered who we were meeting. "Take a right into this alley" Erica said. So I turned right and was met with a pleasant surprize. "Oh Erica, It's so nice to meet you here, and who's your little friend you brought along."

Sorry I haven't posted in a while but school has been killing me. I'll try to keep posting weekly but I might get delayed due to my up coming DPMA's and stuff. Thank you guys for the support, have a great day .😀

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