Gone part 2

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Spike sat alone. Legs spread across his tattered recliner. He watched the TV, but the pictures made little sense; his mind was elsewhere. He desperately wanted a way to help Buffy, a way to take away the pain if nothing else. He thought of offering himself again, but that wasn't what she wanted or needed.
"The blood, look at all the blood," cried a woman on TV. Spike snapped back. The 'blood' was horribly watered down and pink-tinted. Still, seeing people ripped apart, no matter how bad the visual effects, made him hungry. A low growl came from his stomach, followed by a hungry pain.
Spike stood up and walked over to the refrigerator in the corner of his crypt. Surprisingly, even without electricity, the fridge was cool enough to keep his blood from going off.
He reached into the fridge and pulled out a jar, he was too hungry to bother to heat it up first, or poor it into a glass like a civilised vampire. Unscrewing the lid, he put it to his lips.
A loud clash came from outside and his door swung open with some force. He sighed and put the blood down. Daylight seeped into the crypt and there was no sign of whatever caused the door to fly open.
He could sense something, he wasn't sure what, but an entity for certain. He looked around before deciding to investigate.
"Whatever beastie you are, I know you're here," He warned, "and I hurt beasties,"
He felt something push past him, not quite touching him.
"Hey, watch it,"
He stood on guard, there was something here, something he couldn't see. Who knows how dangerous?
His TV turned off, the room falling silent. Spike rolled his eyes.
"A ghost is it? Go and haunt the living, like a good spook," He called.

Spike could sense it closer than ever, he felt it circle him, like he was prey. He watched, listened, felt. When he was certain of where it was, he lunged, his arm going in for a punch. The thing caught his arm in a tight grip and he gulped. It grabbed the back of his shirt and pushed him hard, he fell across the crypt and into the stone wall. He yelled as the concrete hit him square in the back. He was in pain, and couldn't move as he felt the thing approach. He felt his arms be pushed up and he was now restrained against the wall. He was gathering his strength ready to break out of the restraints when he felt a chill. It wasn't an other worldly chill more of a general sense of cold. He looked down as buttons flew in all directions, his shirt torn wide open. He was confused.
He felt the thing's hands press against his chest and braced himself, eyes closed, for it to start biting or cutting his chest. Instead, pleasure.

Whatever it was began kissing him. Along his collar bones, down between his pecks. The thing reached his nipple and bit. He opened his eyes, remembering the feeling.
"Buffy?" He said, still confused by the entire situation.
"I told you," He heard the familiar voice of the woman he loved, "Stop trying to see me," He felt a force push him to the ground. Buffy had wrapped her legs around his waist and began grinding. Spike wanted to ask questions but found he couldn't. He was kissing, something, although he couldn't tell what. When it began kissing back, he relaxed slightly.
Buffy didn't let up grinding, and soon Spike was hard.
The pleasure built up and heat pooled in both of them. The rest of his shirt was being ripped off, while he still felt one hand firmly pressed on his chest.
"Hey, that's one of my best shirts," He said, trying to sound mad.
"I'm sure you'll find time to steal more," Buffy replied. She tugged at his pants.

"Buffy, are you-" Spike stuttered, he didn't know it was possible to experience such pleasure when he couldn't even see the one pleasuring him. "Are you naked?" He asked.
"Not yet," she replied.

He leaned upwards to kiss her again and felt her smiling. He loved it when she teased him and what's more teasing than a beautiful woman, riding you, but you can't see her?
He decided to try and fight back. Playfully, he pushed her back and watched as the candles on his far wall fell. Buffy moaned. He stood up only to get pushed himself, he stumbled into his TV set, knocking it to the ground, not a care in the world.
He used the stand the TV was sitting on to prop himself up. He sensed Buffy close to him, he grabbed out with both hands and caught her by the hips. She squealed with excitement.

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