19. On Swapping Eyes

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For some additional notes on swapping the Sharingan with another person, it seems that the Uchiha's bloodline makes their bodies naturally attuned to melding with Sharingan powers, giving them an instinctive, innate control over the Sharingan that non-Uchiha simply don't have.

Both Itachi and Sasuke note that Kakashi's finesse with the Sharingan could never compare to the innate mastery an Uchiha instinctively has over the Sharingan. While their words are arrogant and derisive in their delivery, I do think there is some truth to their words that extends beyond mere arrogant hyperbole.

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The Uchiha do have a heightened level of control over their eyes

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The Uchiha do have a heightened level of control over their eyes. Non-Uchiha users such as Danzo, Kakashi, Shin, and the Shin clones, while adept at harnessing the Sharingan's power and using the Sharingan's abilities themselves, didn't have the level of control to turn off the Sharingan the way Uchiha do. Neither did Nagato seem able to deactivate the Rinnegan. Whether it's because of a lack of knowledge of how to turn the Sharingan off and on or because of the lack the control to do so, either way shows that the Uchiha have a layer of instinctive understanding and finer control of their dojutsu that non-Uchiha simply don't possesses.

I also think that the Sharingan responds better to a genetic Uchiha's body and works more congruently with an Uchiha than with non-Uchiha, meaning that a Sharingan is more chakra-efficient when its user is an Uchiha, and less chakra-efficient when it is operated by a non-Uchiha. I think the Uchiha have a stronger connection to their eyes that allows them to figure out the extent of its ability and use it more efficiently and effectively than non-Uchiha as well.

After all, compare how much faster Obito figured out how to master Kamui than Kakashi, as well as how much cleaner and neater Obito's first usage of the concentric Kamui circles are as opposed to Kakashi's rudimentary Kamui spirals that were very slow and far too loose when he used them against Deidera – and that was after Kakashi had been practicing with Kamui for a while.

Uchiha like Sasuke or Itachi figure out their abilities as they go along, instinctively reacting to them and instinctively aware of the capabilities of their visual prowess, whereas non-Uchiha seem to struggle a lot more in discovering Sharingan abilities and don't have the same level of refined control over the Sharingan that a bloodline Uchiha is capable of. 

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