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Hyunjin's pov (3rd person) :

Seven. It was a really special number for Hyunjin. 'Twas not solely a digit for him, but had a wide spectrum of emotions attached to it. Hence, he valued it as a good luck charcter. There were various factors responsible for him favouring the numeral.

First and foremost, he had seven friends. He couldn't think of getting luckier. Seven angels, seven partners, seven segments of his heart, seven soulmates... what more one can ask for? He, a shy and reserved man, had always disliked the idea of bonding and never thought of making friends. But the life had different plans for him.

He was grateful to all the worst possible catastrophies, mess and problems he went through, as the struggles he did to prevail over all the obstacles, proved to obtain fruitful outcomes, they yielded him the reason to live rather than survive.

It could be regarded as a coincidence that his encounter with the seven life savers was miraculously scheduled on seventh day of that particular month. That unforgettable day had bring about an immense transformation as if that date marked the beginning of a completely new life for Hyunjin.

Another related aspect was the seven gems that he achieved after his remarkable treasure hunt. The seven precious stones won, on the best day of his cruel life, were her grandmother, Mujigae's most beloved birthday gift ever which she entrusted to him.

Those seven jewels, which were of the seven colours of the rainbow, conveyed seven distinct symbolic meanings.

❤️~ The red gemstone signified a powerful aura with strong emotions

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❤️~ The red gemstone signified a powerful aura with strong emotions. It was the symbol of strength, danger and above all attraction.

🧡~ Orange jewel typically represented optimism along with creative mindset. It illustrated ambition, self control and endurance.

💛~ Associated with the bright sunshine, yellow gem denoted happiness, warmth, energy and inspiration.

💚~ The emrald exhibited health and wealth. Additionally, it was an icon of growth and renewal. As most of the nature is green, it was also regarded as the display of true nature and living naturally.

🩵~ The blue jewel was the token of peace, calmness, stability and knowledge. It also embodied the notion of trust and loyalty.

💙~ Awareness, intuition and wisdom are few features represented by the indigo gem. Though it also highlights deep thinking and mystery.

💜~ The violet element was characterized by the attributes such as creativity and imagination.

Contemplating all the likely occasions linking with the essence of seven in his life, Hyunjin ended up building a catch phrase, which he highly fancied :

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