Somewhere else

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Sans: heya.

Frisk: Hey, Sans.

Sans: i heard you're going to the core.

Frisk: It's the queen, Sans. She's waiting for a fight there.

Sans: huh.

Sans: do you have time?

Sans: if so, we can really talk.

Clover: No tha-

Frisk: Okay!

Clover: What.

Sans: well, here we are.

Sans: so, your journey's almost over, huh?

Sans: you must really wanna rescue your parents, huh?

Clover: How did you-

Sans: hey. i know the feeling, kids.

Sans: but maybe sometimes it's better to take what's given to you.

Sans: down here, you've already got food, drinks, friends, an angry fish lady. . .

Aliza snickers at the last part.

Sans: is what you have to do. . . really worth it?

Sans: . . . hey, let me tell you a story.

Sans: so i'm a sentry at snowdin.

Sans: you had to wait for humans, it's kinda boring.

Sans: but not for my previous job though.

Sans: long ago, back when i was a teenager, i was a scientist with the old man.

Sans: others too but i was the top.

Sans: the previous royal scientist, Dr. Gaster, he's a great one.

Sans: he even built the whole core in hotland.

Sans: the old man asked the group of scientists and i to work on some machine.

Sans: the group kept on working but i was working with my bro since i was on hiatus for long.

Sans: in the end, we finished the work.

Sans: but one day. . . the machine blew up, taking the old man's life down to the lava under.

Sans: it's an unfortunate incident for me.

Sans: so a few years later have passed ever since that and i'm still caught up by it.

Sans: i'm still friends with the fellow scientists but they all either passed away or died.

Sans: it's a hard knock life for me.

Sans: of course, i had to fix the machine with Dr. Alphys, the current royal scientist.

Sans: and well, dt machine's fixed and i go on my life.

Sans: that's pretty much the story i have.

Sans: what's with those looks?

Sans: hey, now. not all stories end up in a good ending.

Sans: sometimes that's just how life works, it's unfair.

Sans: but you know, the promise's still on.

Sans: and well, if she didn't make that promise to me, you know what i would have done when a human comes to the underground?

Sans: . . .

Sans: you'd be like what you have done with the others.

Sans: . . .

Sans: hey. lighten up, kids.

Sans: it's not like anyone of you killed anyone in here.

Clover looks away.

Sans: hey, Clover. what's that supposed to mean? am i wrong?

Sans: welp, that's the end for my break.

Sans: better hurry. the queen might be too impatient and just strike you where it stands.

Sans walks away.

Frisk: (That is not the talk I expected.)

Frisk: Let's move on to the core.

Undertale Yellow: Genocide's aftermathWhere stories live. Discover now