The ambush

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Frisk: This is the lab but. . . it's quiet.

Clover: Too quiet. . .

Aliza: Guys, look!

Clover: What the. . .

The three look at the monitor with several screens.

Frisk: One's turned off.

Aliza: Must be-

Clover covers Aliza's mouth.

Clover: [Be careful! One of the cameras might be looking at us.]

???: It appears. . . the cover's blown.

All the lights are turned on by its own.

Clover: Oh no.

???: So you are the humans that Papyrus was talking about.

???: To think that you got past him without dying. . .

???: You three must have been harder to deal with than the others.

Frisk: Wait, you're the queen?!

Undyne: It seems you have finally caught on.

Clover pulls out a nerf gun.

Clover: Stand back! I have a gun this time!

Undyne: Tch. Do you think that toy gun scares me?!

Undyne: It would be easy for you to be taken down. Maybe even too easy.

Undyne: I'll be waiting at the core.

Undyne: Prepare your will. Cuz your journey is about to come to an end.

Undyne jumps away through the ceiling of the lab.

Silence fills the room around the three.

Clover: What just- what?!

Aliza: I think you should have painted the nerf gun black.

Clover: But I would look like a criminal to my parents.

Aliza: Aren't you already?

Frisk: Don't fight, you two! We have a bigger obstacle on our journey.

Frisk: The queen.

To be continued. . .

Undertale Yellow: Genocide's aftermathWhere stories live. Discover now