Chapter 25

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When he was almost about to beg for mercy, Chi Bai suddenly opened the small ‌‍‌‎‎ho‎‌‌‍‍‍‎‌‍ with force, then straightened his waist and stabbed a hot and hard thing slowly and firmly. Go in.

It wasn't until his hungry mouth completely wrapped the giant thing that the man regained some consciousness from the overwhelming pleasure. He used his ‍‎‌‍back‍‎‎hole‍‌‎‎ to describe the size and heat of the thing.

There was a trace of extremely rare shyness on the face that had always been mature and wild.

"I've been having fun with my little hole for so long, and I finally got it, are you happy?" As he said that, Chi Bai moved his crotch, shallowly pumping and inserting it, making the man wet. small mouth.

Arlin‎‎‌‍‍ was penetrated so hard that his face was full of lust, and his brain was filled with pleasure. He quickly abandoned his shyness and turned to lethargic‌‍‎‍‎screaming‎ ‌ started to cry: "Happy... the bitch is so happy... the white meat is so big, the pussy of the bitch is so big, it's all squirting..."

While screaming, he pressed Chi Bai's upper body onto the bed, then intertwined his fingers and swung his hips up and down crazily. Every time, he took Chi Bai's ‎‍‌‎meat‌‍stick in his mouth deeply and tightly, and when he pulled it out, there was a heavy sound of water, making the room filled with the sound of "slapping, snapping, snapping"

Chi Bai didn't have to work hard, he just had to straighten his meat and cock, and he could enjoy the service of the other party's coquettish hole. However, the man's extremely happy look was really tempting.

After enjoying it for a while, he couldn't bear it. She couldn't help but press the man's ass on her body, and then like a pile driver, she took the initiative to fuck the thick meat of the baby's arm into the other man's sexy heart. She fucked him for a hundred times in a row, without any loss of amplitude or intensity. It weakened, but the ‎‍‌‎meat‌‍‎‍‌‌‍‍ became a lot bigger. It fucked the man’s ‌‍‌‌hole‌‍‌ so hard that he couldn’t even close it, and the thing in front of him also ‍‌ejaculated‌‍‎‍‌ several times.

The man was made like a soft-footed shrimp that had shed its shell. His whole body was limp and weak. Even with his strong honey-colored muscles, he could only tremble and moan. In the end, he was even forced to cry, but no matter what No matter how he begged and sobbed, Chi Bai did not slow down as he wished. Instead, he pushed him sideways onto the bed, then raised one of his feet and inserted the huge ‎‍‌‎meat‌‍‌‌‍‍again‌‍‌ Entering the opponent's ass‍‎‌‌eyes‌‎‍‍‎, and grinding them up with light or heavy pumping and thrusting.

The man moaned hoarsely, and the little male fucked his hole very hard, pumping and thrusting at high speed, and even his two testicles almost squeezed into his own eyes. 

Inside, he slapped the joint between their bodies time and time again, almost knocking him out. He could only hold on to the sheets tightly, enduring the invasion of the person on his body with half joy and half suffering.

After Chi Bai fucked his hole once, his stamina was greatly improved. After fucking him for almost 2 hours, he still didn’t have the urge to ejaculate, but the man who was restrained by him couldn’t. It was not that easy anymore. 

The pleasure of fucking his hole forced him to ejaculate uncontrollably. At the end of the ejaculation, he squirmed and ejaculated some muddy yellow urine. It was obvious that he had already ejaculated. It's because the body has been played with to the extreme of excitement, and it's directly ‎‍‎‌‍forbidden.

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