Chapter 21

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He straightened his back hard and almost inserted the meat stick into the opponent's butt‎‍‌‍eyes.

"Louder! I can't hear you!"

The man's waist was softened by the ‍‎meat‌‍‎‎stick‍‎‍‌, and he almost collapsed on the bed. He was ‎‎‌‍‌slut‍‌‌‎water‍‌‎‎‍soaked‍‌‍‌butt‎‍‌‍‎‌but the other party wanted to penetrate him. The grinding and thrusting tortured him almost to the point of going crazy.

"It's great! Master plays with me so well, oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." The man cried out with a red face.

Chi Bai was a little surprised at the other party's shyness in sexual matters, and even more surprised at the other party's name for him.

He never expected that this man who had the courage to give himself a ripening drug and said he would be the first woman to have his pussy fucked by his meat would be so shy after getting into bed! Even the moans were muffled in her mouth, completely different from the high-pitched moans of other females.

This undoubtedly gave him something else to think about. He pretended to be angry and snorted loudly. He stepped away from the man, sat aside and lifted up his majestic meat. His tone was somewhat Boredly said:

"Are you a female? You don't even know how to moan. I touched you twice and I ejaculated. You're not slutty at all. My ‍‌cock‎‍ ‎‍‌Ba‎‍‌only fucks the slutty bitch’s ‌‍‌‎‎meat‌‎‎‍hole‍‎, your ‍‌‍‌butt‎‍‌‍eyes‎‌isn’t sexy enough at first glance. I’ve been playing with your body for a long time. If other sluts had already Just ‍‌‍‌butt‎‍‌‍eyes‎‌ squirted, but your ‎‎‌‍‌slutty‍‌‌‎water‍‌‎‎‍ only flowed so much. My ‍‌cock‎‍‎‍‌butt‎‍‌if I ‌‎‌inserted‍‌‎ ‌‎Go in‎‌‎‍ and it will definitely take a long time to fuck your ‍‌‍‌butt‎‍‌‍eyes‎‌ through. It’s so troublesome. I might as well find another female to let me fuck my ‌‌hole‎‍‌‎.” With that he was about to get up and leave.

Ulysses is a standard research maniac. He doesn’t have much free time at ordinary times. In addition, he has always had an almost perverted obsession with pure-blood males, which has led him to always firmly believe that his ‎‌‎ Only pure-blood males can touch the slutty holes. Even if he is in estrus, he can at most only lust after the pure-blood while stroking his meat and rubbing his butt.

The folds at the seam are very high‍‎‎‍‌tide. I have never put my fingers in and had a good time. What's more, he regards pure blood as his goal. Naturally, he has no interest in the sex videos of males whose blood concentration is less than 70% on the Internet. His knowledge of sex can be said to be at the level of a primary school student.

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