💔💋Why not me? (Draken)

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*Wattpad Request (AU-ish)
*Hurt no comfort.(Don't have much experience with it. Sorry if it's bad.)
*We love Emma around here! But not in this one..


"Are you sure? I mean-- don't think I'm like that but I can always ask someone else? One of the girls?.. You're just someone I trust y'know..."

You shook your head. "No it's okay. I-- I think it'll be better with a girl your age? Besides, I trust you too so.."

Those deep dark eyes stared into yours. Draken was so handsome. Did he find you pretty? Beautiful? You'd never know..

Those words only came out when he talked about someone else. Emma..

Emma. Emma. Emma.

That was the only female he ever talked about. A soft blush would spread on his cheeks, he'd smile from ear to ear.. The way his eyes lit up, small hearts replacing his pupils.. His eyes never did that around you.. He never blushed when your name was brought up.

Why not you? You've known Draken since, well forever. You both had this bond.

You see, both your mother's abandoned you- You both grew up together and took care of one another. The brothel was your home-- You were his "family" but he was your everything..

You were inseparable! Hip attached to hip. Peas in a snuggly little pod.

It felt as if a relationship slowly began to grow. Sleepovers in the same bed, you'd wake up to Draken holding you.. When you both went out in public he'd hold your hand to keep you close. That was a thing you did in a relationship right?! Maybe next week you'd find an excuse to kiss his cheek.

Maybe you'd find the courage to tell him how you really felt?

But that kiss never came.. That confession stayed with you.

Why? You may ask..

Well, Emma came into the picture... And your Draken was gone. He wasn't yours anymore..

The excuses to no longer be around you began to pour in..

"Oh, sorry Y/n. Emma invited me to see that movie already."

"Sorry can't make it. Emma wants me to go shopping with her."

"See ya. I'm going to Mikey's to see him and hopefully Emma."

"You like my shirt? I know it's not my usual color, but Emma got it for me. I hate my other clothes now." (*You helped him pick most of them out..*)

"Emma wants me to stay away from junk food. Have fun at the new restaurant though!"

"... You can't go with me. Emma thinks its weird we hang out so much. I can't ruin my chance with her.. You understand right?"

"I think we should stop being friends.. The only woman I should be focused on is Emma.."

After that it seemed like he was avoiding you every chance he could. Even going as far as moving into another room far away from yours.

Which is why you were surprised when Draken showed up at your door in the middle of the night. It's been months since you've talked to him. Not even a small "hi" here and there when you passed one another in the brothels halls.

You usually just got a cold stare over his shoulder..

But Draken looked different.. Sad? He stood there for a good while just staring at you.

"I need your help."

This is where you turn him away. Treat him the way he's been twords you. Tell him you only help out friends who wouldn't abandon you over another female!

Tokyo Revengers One shots/Short Stories.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें