Love Hurts

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**Kate POV
Ruby called me back not long after I left, saying we had a new case of Data Disease.

Honestly, it shouldn't be possible.

Most, if not all Data Beings were gone minus our human hybrid friends.

"You take forever." Bex said, looking up at me as I came in.

I scoffed, "I'm sorry, Sky had a meltdown and then I tried to go home. I didn't think there would be a new case."

"Neither did I. But here we are." Bex replied and handed me the iPad with their information on it.

Poor kid, only a teenager.

And he was already out due to the progression of the disease too.

We needed to work fast then.

I frowned when I saw the strain, "Bex, this has to be wrong. It says he has Eros's strain. Eros is dead."

Bex sighed, "I know. I ran the test three times, I'm having Ruby and Oz run it a fourth time just to be safe, but it's Eros."

"How's that possible? Kyle killed him." I argued.

It seemed overly impossible that this was happening.

"I don't know. I just don't know, Kate. I'm sorry I can't be of more help." Bex apologized.

I shook my head, "You're fine. But we're going to need to find Eros fast or he's going to die in a matter of hours. Tomorrow morning might be the latest."

Bex nodded and her pink hair remained.

I could tell it bothered her.

She kept pulling it.

It didn't help when she cut bangs into her hair to try and get rid of some of it, the pink wouldn't leave and was on the end

"What do you want to do?" Bex asked.

I sighed, "I'll look for him. I'm sure I'll find him."

"What about Nicole? What do you want me to tell her? You know she hates him just as much." Bex told me.

She was right, Nicole did not like Eros whatsoever due to almost pushing us apart.

I would not allow this to push us apart again.

Not when I was so close to proposing this time.

"She'll find out on her own, so she'll need to know from you." Bex added.

I sighed, "Right. I know. Fine. I'll tell her."

I left the room and called Nicole, "We have a problem."

"Besides Sky? What's wrong?" She asked me.

"Eros is back."

Nicole gasped on the other side, but she said nothing to me, clearly still trying to understand what to do and what to say back to me.

Then she finally said, "You better destroy him again. Before his virus kills someone. I'm assuming that's why you're telling me that, right?"

I chuckled, "You know me so well, babe."

"Well, we've been together for a long time and I want to be with you even longer. So hurry up and beat the son of a bitch. Unless you want me to come with you." Nicole said.


"Up to you. I know you're retired." I told her.

Nicole had a terrible experience as a rider and almost died every time.

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