Chapter 2

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Author pov:

It is now 7 p.m. and the stadium is full of fans from both schools. Hana and Yuna are  cheer leading. they are currently behind by 2 points. Of course, they hope that their school will win. Come on sunwoo bear you can do it I believe in you yuna was cheering hard for her boyfriend.

Then there was a 15-minute break everyone walked to the changing rooms to discuss tactics. Hana walked to the toilet because she had to pee on the way she heard a few voices. If we give him an injury, he won't be able to get on the field afterward anyway. Who are they talking about, Hana thought. But don't ruin his face, he's handsome, a girl said, okay so take number 2 and give him an injury, but nothing should happen to his face.

Are they talking about Eric hana thought he is number 2 what if he gets hurt next. I have to tell him this, Hana wanted to walk back to the rooms but of course she had to pee first lol. After peeing she walked back to the changing rooms and wanted to tell Yuna first but once again she was nowhere to be seen. Then she was looking for sunwoo but guess what they were both nowhere to be found. Then she went looking for Eric.

Hana pov:

 I was looking for Eric, I have to tell him everything if he really gets injured. but the problem is where is he why is everyone suddenly gone omg. I asked everyone where he was but no one saw him. I was already giving up hope and then I saw that we still had 2 minutes left so I ran as if my life depended on it. But guess what I slammed into someone again, but wait, why does this feel so familiar. I looked at the person it was Eric omg I was so relieved to see him.

Don't you have anything better to do than bump into me all the time, he said. Sorry I wasn't looking and actually I was looking for you, me why I have to tell you something it's very urgent.

 I already know what you're going to say, so never mind, he said and walked away. I thought to myself how does he really know that how do you know that did you hear that I said and walked after him. No, what must I have heard, I just know what you are going to say, I love you, I want you to be my boyfriend blah blah, that kind of nonsense, don't worry, I am not interested in you, he said. How dare he pretend that I am interested in him. What do you mean I'm not interested in you. Sure that's why you slam into me over and over again. That's just accidentally okay. I've heard that before, he said anyway, I'm gone, they need me. Okay, if you think that, I hope you break a leg soon, I said, I was furious.

 I walked back to the field, where were you, I was looking for you, Yuna said. I was peeing, I said I was lying, I didn't feel like talking for a moment, how can Eric talk to me like that, I know I bumped into him twice, but that wasn't on purpose. Because I was so angry I forgot what the rest had planned for Eric, what if he gets injured. 

I can't let that happen even though he was so mean to me I'm a good person and I'm going to help him. They had been busy for a few minutes and nothing happened until now. I kept walking with Eric from the side where he was, also he gave me side eyes the whole time, but I didn't care. I just wanted to make sure the rest didn't succeed in their plan.

 then it happened i saw 2 boys nodding at each other and throwing the ball to eric eric didn't think about it and started running. I ran after him, the 2 other boys also ran after him and before any of them could step on Eric with their hard shoes, I jumped in front of them and one of them kicked me on the ankle instead of eric.

 I screamed in pain and fell to the ground. everyone was in shock they didn't realize what had happened eric threw the ball away and grabbed my ankle. I was now crying so hard it hurt so much. Hana why did you do this, Eric said. Hana omg are you okay what happened yuna came to me very worried and hugged me then sunwoo also came and picked me up and took me to the changing rooms. the last thing i saw before i passed out was eric looking at me very guilty.

Eric Pov:

 I don't know what just happened but one thing I know for sure hana saved me. those 2 guys were planning to give me an injury. maybe that's just what she wanted to say to me and maybe that's why she kept an eye on me all the time and stayed to the sides. Omg Eric how can you be so stupid. She was hurt because of me. I also went to the dressing room to see how she was doing. She fainted, I heard Yuna say to Sunwoo, how is that possible, I don't know, maybe because she didn't eat anything today.

sunwoo saw me at the door opening and said do you know why the boys did that and why did hana jump in between what was all that. I don't know, I could have prevented this, I said with my hands in front of my face. What do you mean Yuna said, during the break she wanted to say something to me she was looking for me all the time and when she found me I didn't want to listen to her. Maybe the 2 boys had something to do with it. instead of listening I said mean things to her. and she still saved me. 

 You know what Eric, it doesn't even surprise me anymore, you definitely thought she wanted something with you and came to confess her love to you. Not everyone likes you Eric so don't act like you're important because of you my friend is hurt. When are you going to realize that the world doesn't revolve around you, Yuna said, she was very angry, which I understand.

 yuna i know you are angry but yelling at eric is of no use we have to take hana to the doctor sunwoo said. Eric come with me. No, I don't want him to come with us Yuna come on, Eric can't do anything about it, you can see that he is sorry. Did he say that sunwoo did you hear it don't defend your best friend. You don't have to come, I'll go alone with her, Yuna said. I'll get the coach and take her to the doctor myself.

 then they left, me and sunwoo stayed behind. I sighed and covered my face with my hands. sunwoo it was never the intention for it to get to this point, if I had listened to her there would be nothing wrong now. Yuna is right, I always think everything revolves around me. sunwoo came to me and tapped my shoulders eric i know you didn't mean it that way and it will all be fine and yuna was just angry and when she's angry she says things she doesn't mean so ignore it, let's go home too .

I got up and walked upstairs with Sunwoo. Not only did Hana go to the doctor because of me, I may have ruined the relationship between Yuna and Sunwoo.

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