A New World?

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(Trash of the Count and Pokemon are not mine.
-poke speech-

Cale stretched under the shade, "This is life."

Hong called excitedly, "Cale, Cale, look, look, our tomatoes are so big and juicy."

Cale smiled, "I can see that Hong."

Ohn got his attention next, "Our eggplants are really huge too."

Cale nodded in agreement, "Yes, we should ask Vicross to cook some tonight."

Raon landed next to him, "Our apple trees are giving big apples too, human."

Cale, "Hmm, apple pie for dessert then."

The three kids who were now around twelve and ten years old grinned at the red head man. Cale would always indulged in their activities and always encouraged them to enjoy whatever caught their interest. After the war things had become less hectic, well, as much as it could with someone like Cale around. The red head had even given up his position as the Supreme Commander after the War, saying it was not necessary anymore. Many noble families had been flabbergasted at how easily Cale gave up his position of power and some had tried to claim it for themselves. But Alver, Choi Han, Eruhaben, etc, had placed 'tests' that the contender must pass in order to become Supreme Commander.

Safe to say, no one truly could prove themselves to be worthy of the title and Cale pitied them before he got an idea. If someone else became the Supreme Commander, no one would endanger his slacker life again. The Supreme Commander would take care of those problems for him and he could sit back and enjoy. When Cale's family and friends heard his plans, they shook their head but did not stop the man from encouraging others to try for the title. What Cale failed to understand was he became Supreme Commander because people were willing to fight and die for him. It was not whatever Cale was thinking at the moment but one could dream they supposed.

Choi Han entered the Black castle, "Cale - nim, Raon - nim, Hong - nim, Ohn - nim? Strange, where are they?"

Rosalyn looked around feeling something was wrong, "Aren't they usually in their large garden?"

Lock fidgeted nervously, "Maybe Cale - nim, took his children somewhere?"

Choi Han, "Ron might know something."

Ron appeared with a benign smile, "And what would I know?"

Lock jumped, "Ron - nim, when did you get here?"

Ron was holding a plate with tea and snacks, "I was just delivering the afternoon tea to the young Master and his children."

Rosalyn, "We will follow you, Ron."

Ron looked around with sharp eyes, once outside, observing the blanket and basket of vegetables and fruits, "It seems someone or something has taken our young Master."

Rosalyn pinched her lips, "But we fortified the Black Castle with not only weapons but also Dragon and Sorcerer magic."

Choi Han frowned looking around as well, "Not to forget the rest of us who are always guarding him."

Lock, "Which leaves only one possibility, doesn't it?"

Rosalyn hissed, "The meddling Gods!"

Lock went to inform the rest, while Choi Han and Rosalyn planned on heading to the temple of Death. There was only one God who had the balls to do something like this, and that was the same God who always tried to trick Cale into becoming his Priest despite all the rejections Cale threw at him. Meanwhile Cale was waking up in the middle of a meadow with a Skitty, Meowth and a poke egg in his arms. Cale frowned, since when did Pokemon exist in the continent, last he checked it was the The Birth of A Hero novel not the Pokemon universe. Cale looked up when he heard a coo over him and saw a flock of Pidgeys and Pidgeottos fly overhead. Looking around he saw a flock of Dodrio and Doduo by a lake, there were also some Butterfree flying across a field of flowers and Vileplume and a man approaching him.

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