Gone Viral

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Felix's POV

It had been a couple of days since Felix had met Y/N, he and the rest of Stray Kids were back to doing work but were currently taking a small break of the days work.

"Has she texted yet?" Han asked him as he was scrolling through his phone.

Felix sighed. "No... she hasn't... I wonder if maybe she was being polite..."

"Or she's too nervous to text first because she thought you were cute." Han teased.

Felix rolled his eyes a bit. "Yeah right."

Han gives Felix a look. "How many fan girls do you have?"



"That doesn't mean—"

"She's probably too scared to text first. If anything, she's waiting for you to text first so she doesn't seem annoying."

Felix doesn't respond for a bit, just thinks about what Han was saying. Maybe he's right... maybe I should text first... I mean- I was the one who asked to exchange numbers in the first place.

As he was contemplating texting her he hears a familiar voice from Han's phone.

Felix looks up. "What are you watching?"

"A TikTok... hey- what was the name of the girl you met?"

"Uh- Y/N— why?"

"... uh- I think she went viral-"

"Huh? What makes you say that?"

Han gestured for Felix to come over.

Felix walked over to see what Han was talking about.

Sure enough, Han had paused a video of a TikTok that was no doubt Y/N. It had seemed to have gone viral with about one point two million likes, three hundred thousand comments, thousands of favorites, and hundreds of shares.

"Whoa- hang on- what does she talk about in the video-?"

"Let's find out-"

With that, Han began the video from the start again and they both watched.

For a few moments Y/N just sat there stunned as the video recorded. She suddenly laughed as her face was a bit red. "So uh- I think I just had my Y/N Wattpad moment—" She laughed again putting her hands on her face as she let out a small little squeal before dropping her hands. "Okay so um- I uh-" Another laugh as she seemed to struggle how to word it. "So- today- I went to a little bookstore in the city that I live in, now I didn't go for books, I went because I wanted Dnd dice and that was the closest store to me that I knew that had dnd dice." She paused, trying to figure it out her words again.

"She really keeps pausing-" Han laughed a little.

"So- I was looking at this set of dice here—" She held up the dice that was pink, green and blue that she had bought from the store that day. "So I'm doing so, this guy bumps into me and causes me to drop the dice- which- of course made a loud clangy sound which scared the living tar out of me but it's fine—" she laughs once more. "Um- so- the guy who bumped into me quickly apologized for it, and of course it was no big deal no one got hurt blah blah blah- I pick up the dice and I look up at him—" she lets out a huff as her hands go to her face again. "I instantly recognized who this guy was— and it took everything in me not to freak out, cry, or scream. And- for the sake and privacy of this guy I will not say his name. But um- this guy was a celebrity that I discovered like I dunno- three-ish weeks ago- I'm not sure- but—!"

Felix's jaw dropped. She knew who I was the entire time? Yet she— He blinked. She remained calm about it...?

"Anyway- so I managed to pull myself together and by some miracle- I was able to have just a plain and normal conversation with him— we just talked about Dnd— well— okay- he listened to me fangirl and talk about my Dnd characters that I've played— which- he actually had asked about them and genuinely seemed to enjoy hearing about them— and I think it was at that point that I was just too caught up in my excitement to talk about characters that I've created to really pay attention to the fact that this man- was the celebrity that I had been crushing on for the past three weeks."

Han laughed. "Told you she thought you were cute."

Felix just continued to watch, jaw dropped.

"I think we like- talked for maybe— psshhh I dunno- an hour and a half before exchanging names- Which- that was great and that in an of itself was worth making a TikTok about having my "Y/N Wattpad moment" but it gets better— so after talking for however long it was he gets called by his friends- who- I also recognized immediately— he turned to me and said it was nice to meet me, and I said likewise or something like that, and figured that was the end of that and went to leave— he called out and said he wanted to talk more so...." She took a breath as if mentally trying to prepare herself for this information. "He asked to exchange numbers— of course at first I thought he was kidding- but he wasn't— so I fumbled for my phone— now- I did my best this entire interaction not to let him know that I knew who he was because I didn't want to stress or freak him out- so- he couldn't see my phone or lockscreen either- so I quickly opened my contacts app and he handed me his phone and I put in my name and number and then he did the same to my phone. Then we said our final goodbye, I went bought my dice and now here I am sitting in the car filming this TikTok. So yeah-" She half shrugged with a big grin as she blushed slightly. "I had my Y/N Wattpad moment and I can die happy now lol."

With that the video ended.

Felix just sat there shocked. "She knew.... She knew the whole time who I was and yet—"

Han just watched him rather amused.

"Wow.. I just- wow..."

Han looked back at the phone. "It was very nice of her not to name drop you though- she was being very considerate about all of this— she could have very easily name dropped you and used your name as a way to boost herself- but she opted to leave you anonymous as to not cause issues."

"Yeah- yeah she did— wow— that's—" A small smile formed on Felix's face. "That's very sweet of her- wow- and just when I didn't think she could get cooler—"

Han laughed a bit. "That's also probably another reason why she hasn't texted first. Because she has a celebrity crush on you."

"Oh- that's true—"

"So... maybe you should text her first."

"Right—" With that Felix pulled out his phone. "What should I say-?"

Han laughed. "I dunno- you could start with "hello"?" Han teased.

Felix gently elbowed him, then slowly smirked. "I could also tease her about the TikTok."

Han smirked a bit as well. "Do it."

Felix needed no other encouragement as he typed out the text on his phone.

> So. I was your Y/N Wattpad moment?

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