Hello, Nicky

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We walked around a few cubes up, till we saw a girl with brown, blonde, ginger hair, you couldn't really make it out, it was all poofed up and wirey.
"Jesus Vause, where did you find this kid? High school?" She laughed
"Oh shit, I never even asked anything about you, so kid, what's your name? Where are you from?" Vause asked.
"Well, my names, well, I don't really have a name, I just get called A, it's a long story but anyway, I moved over from England a few years ago, did some drugs to take my mind off a break up and here I am. Oh, and I'm 18"
"18?!" Nicky shouted, "you shouldn't be in here at all!"
"I know" I said, "but they sent me here anyway"
"Well, I've always wanted a young-un" Nicky winked
"Nicky!" Alex laughed, "fuck off, it's her first day you can't be saying things like that" she chuckled and sat down.

A few discussions about ex girlfriends later, the movie was ready, I had to share Alex's headset as my commissary hasn't come through yet.
I walked into the movie room with Alex and Nicky and we got all got decent seats. The movie was pretty boring, I didn't enjoy it, but being with Alex made it so much better. She looked so stunning, I just couldn't take my eyes off this woman. Perfection.
"Uh, kid? It's rude to stare" she joked and winked.
"Sorry" I whispered and went bright red, I heard Nicky chuckle. I knew I had to make this crush a lot less obvious.

After the movie was over, I had to pee so bad, Alex pointed me in the direction of the toilets and I was horrified at the no doors situation, no privacy! I quickly sat down and relieved myself, letting out a small sigh. Nicky peered around the corner and spoke to me.
"Excuse the bad timing, but seriously, we all know you've got a crush on Vause"
"What?! Don't be silly, I just got here" I'd just finished peeing but decided to sit until the convosation was over.
"Oh come on, you never stop staring at her haha! You know she's in her 30s right? I mean, by all means go for it if you like but, it's a long shot"
"Nicky, I don't like her like that, I've just got here, I'm just glad to have her as a friend. Yes, she is beautiful and sexy and amazing, but I don't like her like that!"
"Think you just answered that for yourself" Nicky laughed and winked as she wisped away.

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