Chapter 2

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"The noodles are ready!" It had taken maybe half an hour to prepare all six of them for the challenge. Thank goodness none of it went cold.

"Oh gosh, I can smell the spice," Eden waved the air with her gentle hands. "How much hotsauce did you add?"

"Hehehe..." Elysia giggled. "Wanna tell her, Y/N?" she grinned, handing a bowl noodles to Pardofelis.

"C-can I eat half of it? It seems too spicy..." Pardofelis' eyes shrunk. Does she dare find out how much spice you and Elysia added?

"We added the entire packet. Don't get mad at me if it's too hot. It was her idea," you pointed at the pink elf.

Pardofelis shook her head. "Noooooooo! When will this nightmar–Mobius?" Everyone's gazes fell on the green haired scientist, who was twitching.

"Are you okay, Mobius?" Fu Hua asked.

Mobius shook her head abruptly. "It's the smell! It's the smell! I can't stand spiciness!"

"Oh? But it smells good. Wait... is Mobius scared of spicy noodles?" Elysia grinned.

"Shut it! I'm not scared like Pardofelis," Mobius grabbed her chopsticks and scooped a mouthful. "Start!"

"Geez, Mobius. Let me get mines. Then we can start."

After the fiasco, the girls finally settled down in the living room, with their spicy noodles, ready to set alight their tongue!

You shivered at the bowl of fiery ramen sitting before you. It doesn't matter. I gotta be confident! You thought.

"Ready? 3...2..."

"Wait! Can we drink water before starting?" Pardofelis asked.

"No! 3...2...1! Go!"

You scooped a mouthful.

And tasted fire.

"Oh no," Eden said, eyes watery.

"I can't give up!" Elysia continued eating. Phillis was eating small bits, yet her face quickly shifted into red.

Some time later, everyone began to struggle keeping their hands off the icecream in the middle of the room.

Except one person.

"Done. The chicken flavor is very delicious," Fu Hua said as she went to the kitchen.

"What?! Not even a tear dropped!" Mobius exclaimed. Mobius rushed her ramen, wanting to land  second place.

"Fu Hua, if you can handle this, could you eat mines?" Pardofelis asked.

"No cheating!" Elysia said to Pardofelis, hands on her hips.

"Hisss. Can. Want some?" Mobius offered to the cat, which ceased licking her paws...

"Hey!" Pardofelis furrowed her eyebrows at Mobius, scooping up the cat away from her.

"Your lips are orange," Mobius responded.

Somewhat later, others began to finish up.

"Fu Hua finished, then Eden, then me. It's just you three now," Elysia said, peeking at your bowls. "Oh, Pardo is done!"

Pardofelis eagerly rushed to the kitchen. You could see her face tear-strained from the spice.

What?! How?

"That's impossible," Mobius' lips pursed. You and the green haired professor glared hard at each other. Everyone in the room could practically see the jolt of electricity crackling between you two.

"Alrright, we are down to Mobius versus Y/N! Who will be the final winner?" Elysia proclaimed into a hairbrush.

"Can't wait to find out your crush," Mobius' sly lips curved upwards. As tears rolling down her cheeks from the spice, it seemed like she was happily crying instead of looking wicked. 

"Like I'd ever lose to you," Your arms folded before her, sniffing. Both of you did not go tearless through these noodles.

Anyway, you were confident to finish this off and make fun of Mobius.

It's better to eat your food slowly and enjoy it. But this challenge made you eat like a vacuum cleaner.

"You got this, Y/N!" Elysia and Eden cheered. Pardofelis clapped for you with a spoon of cold chocolate icecream in her mouth.

I can do it. I CAN DO IT!


Just one more bite...!

"Done," Mobius dropped her chopsticks.




Spicy Ramen & Sweet Love - Su x Female Reader (HONKAI IMPACT)Where stories live. Discover now